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A key role for Na+/K+-ATPase in the endothelium-dependent oscillatory activity of mouse small mesenteric arteries BJMBR
Giachini,F.R.C.; Carneiro,F.S.; Lima,V.V.; Carneiro,Z.N.; Brands,M.W.; Webb,R.C.; Tostes,R.C..
Oscillatory contractile activity is an inherent property of blood vessels. Various cellular mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to oscillatory activity. Mouse small mesenteric arteries display a unique low frequency contractile oscillatory activity (1 cycle every 10-12 min) upon phenylephrine stimulation. Our objective was to identify mechanisms involved in this peculiar oscillatory activity. First-order mesenteric arteries were mounted in tissue baths for isometric force measurement. The oscillatory activity was observed only in vessels with endothelium, but it was not blocked by L-NAME (100 µM) or indomethacin (10 µM), ruling out the participation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin, respectively, in this phenomenon. Oscillatory activity was not...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oscillatory activity; Na+/K+-ATPase pump; Ouabain; Small mesenteric arteries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Role of sympathetic nervous system and neuropeptides in obesity hypertension BJMBR
Hall,J.E.; Brands,M.W.; Hildebrandt,D.A.; Kuo,J.; Fitzgerald,S..
Obesity is the most common cause of human essential hypertension in most industrialized countries. Although the precise mechanisms of obesity hypertension are not fully understood, considerable evidence suggests that excess renal sodium reabsorption and a hypertensive shift of pressure natriuresis play a major role. Sympathetic activation appears to mediate at least part of the obesity-induced sodium retention and hypertension since adrenergic blockade or renal denervation markedly attenuates these changes. Recent observations suggest that leptin and its multiple interactions with neuropeptides in the hypothalamus may link excess weight gain with increased sympathetic activity. Leptin is produced mainly in adipocytes and is believed to regulate energy...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Obesity; Leptin; Angiotensin; Kidney; Sodium excretion.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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