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Characterization of cheese consumers in Santiago Province, Chile Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Vargas-Bello-Pérez,Einar; Aguilar,Claudio; Toro-Mujica,Paula; Vera,Raúl R; Cerda,Matías; Briones,Ignacio.
A high demand for Chilean cheese has resulted in increased cheese production. This increase represents an opportunity to promote the development of new markets, such as for small ruminant cheeses. However, little has been discussed regarding the extent to which cheese consumers consider small ruminant cheeses. We hypothesized that price is the main determining factor for purchasing cheese. The present study examined this previously unexplored aspect. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that contribute to the purchaser's response behavior, including purchase, usage and product possession. This study also aimed to provide preliminary information on cheese consumption in the Province of Santiago, Chile. A personal interview was conducted...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cheese; Consumption; Small ruminant.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Feeding Dry Olive Cake Modifies Subcutaneous Fat Composition in Lambs, Noting Cake Resistance to Degradation and Peroxidation Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Vera,Raúl; Aguilar,Claudio; Lira,Rodrigo; Toro,Paula; Barrales,Luis; Peña,Iván; Squella,Fernando; Pérez,Patricio; Quenaya,Javiera; Yutronic,Hanja; Briones,Ignacio.
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the extent to which lamb carcass quality and fat composition could be altered by applying a dry olive cake-based ration instead of a conventional ration or pasture feeding. Three treatments were compared in a completely randomized experiment using 36 single male Suffolk Down lambs with an initial age and live weight of 80 d and 25 kg, respectively. The three treatments were: (a) suckling lambs kept with their mothers on annual Mediterranean grassland (GRAZE); (b) weaned stall-fed lambs on a control ration (CONC); and (c) weaned stall-fed lambs on an olive cake-based ration (CAKE). At the end of the 28-d experimental period, lambs were slaughtered, carcass quality evaluated, and samples of subcutaneous fat...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sheep; Dry olive cake; Fatty acids; Body composition.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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