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Economic Effects of Bovine Respiratory Disease on Feedlot Cattle during Backgrounding and Finishing Phases AgEcon
Brooks, Kathleen R.; Raper, Kellie Curry; Ward, Clement E.; Holland, Ben P.; Krehbiel, Clint.
This research examines the economic effects of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) on backgrounding and finishing phases of cattle production. This research measures the effectiveness of using serum haptoglobin (Hp) concentration to predict BRD occurrence and the impact of multiple treatments for BRD infection on cattle performance and returns. During the backgrounding phase, 222 heifers were grouped by Hp level. After the backgrounding phase, 193 heifers were then grouped by number of BRD treatments in the finishing phase. Net returns decreased in the backgrounding phase and the combined phases as the number of BRD treatments increased. Hp concentrations had no significant effects on net returns.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bovine respiratory disease; Haptoglobin; Net returns; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Production Profitability of Ethanol from Alternative Feedstocks in the Texas Panhandle AgEcon
Almas, Lal K.; Lust, David G.; Brooks, Kathleen R.; Girase, J.R..
The potential of three feedstocks: grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and switchgrass for ethanol production in the top 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle Region is analyzed using yield and production costs of feedstock, processing cost of feedstock, final demand for ethanol, farm to wholesale marketing margin, and the derived demand price of feedstock. The calculated economic returns per acre of grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and switchgrass are -$45.37, -$410.19, and -$150.17 respectively under irrigated condition and -$38.25, -$145.09, and -$29.04 respectively under dryland condition. The evaluation in this study demonstrates that ethanol production from grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and switchgrass in the Texas Panhandle Region is not economically...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Ethanol production; Texas Panhandle; Grain sorghum; Sweet sorghum; And Switchgrass; Feedstock; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q16; Q25; Q27; And Q42.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Public and Private Preferences for Policies Related to Meat and Milk from Clones AgEcon
Brooks, Kathleen R.; Lusk, Jayson L..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Water use efficiency and maximizing profitability of grain sorghum production in the Texas Panhandle AgEcon
Ahamadou, Aly; Dembele, Mamadou; Almas, Lal K.; Brooks, Kathleen R..
The reduction in the availability of irrigation water and the increase in pumping costs resulting from the decline in the Ogallala Aquifer make good management decisions more critical for the survival of the farm firm and the success of the agricultural sector in the Texas Panhandle. Response functions for irrigation and percentage potential evapotranspiration (PET) in the production of grain sorghum are estimated. The response functions are transferred into value product functions and combined with an irrigation energy cost function to determine the profit maximizing irrigation strategy. Three management decision variables; total water available, the level of irrigation and the water to meet crop ET requirements are evaluated. Grain sorghum yield,...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Grain sorghum; ET; Maximizing profit; Irrigation efficiency; Input use optimization; Water conservation; Ogallala Aquifer; Texas Panhandle.; Farm Management; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q15; Q25; Q32; And Q34.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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