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Brooks, Rodney L.; Escalante, Cesar L.; Epperson, James E.; Stegelin, Forrest E..
Empirical evidence on the Farm Service Agency’'s credit evaluation and minority lending practices are presented using actual borrower data during aftermath of 1997 class action suit by Black farmers. Results indicate non-applicability of conventional credit assessment methods of private lenders, thus reinforcing FSA'’s role as lender of last resort.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Credit Risk Assessment and Racial Minority Lending at the Farm Service Agency AgEcon
Escalante, Cesar L.; Brooks, Rodney L.; Epperson, James E.; Stegelin, Forrest E..
The nature of credit risk assessment and basis of loan approval decisions of the Farm Service Agency are analyzed in the aftermath of the black farmers’ 1997 class action suit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This study did not uncover convincing evidence of racial discrimination against nonwhite borrowers under a binomial logistic framework based on the probability of a loan application’s approval. Moreover, the collective use of more stringent and objective credit-scoring measures usually employed by commercial lenders is less evident in the Farm Service Agency’s evaluation of loan applications.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Binomial logistic regression; Credit risk; Credit-scoring model; Direct lending; Farm Service Agency; Guaranteed lending; Racial bias; Agricultural Finance; Risk and Uncertainty; G20; G21; G28; Q10; Q14.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Racial Minority Lending Trends at the Farm Service Agency AgEcon
Escalante, Cesar L.; Epperson, James E.; Stegelin, Forrest E.; Brooks, Rodney L..
A binomial logistic framework is used to determine important linkages between the FSA’'s decision on each loan application and the applicants’ financial and demographic attributes. Using data on both rejected and accepted FSA loan applications, empirical results indicate loan approval decisions were not significantly influenced by the borrowers'’ racial class and that, in contrast to the credit risk assessment standards employed by commercial lenders, the collective influence of more stringent and objective credit scoring measures on FSA loan approval decisions is insignificant.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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