Benoit, Marc; Tournadre, Hervé; Dulphy, Jean-Pierre; Cabaret, Jacques; Prache, Sophie. |
Two sheep flocks were managed organically for two years from conversion under different lambing strategies (1 lambing/year vs. 3 lambings every two years). The second system was tested because pf a producer’s interest in high productivity, which is a guarantee of good economic results in conventional production.. Reproduction, feeding, lamb production, carcass quality, health (particularly internal parasitism), economic return of the flock, grass production, and pasture biodiversity were evaluated. The lambs were bred with low therapeutic inputs. No economic advantage of increasing lambing frequency was demonstrated, whereas this strategy complicated management and resulted in higher internal parasitic infection of the lambs, and finally showed lower... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Production systems. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/4314/4/4314%2DBenoit_etal_4p_revised%2Ded.pdf |
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Beck, Alexander; Bouilhol, M.; Ball, K.; Cabaret, Jacques; Halberg, Niels; Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Guiseppe; Moritz, Robin F.A.; Ruiz, R.G.; Speiser, Bernhard; Tittarelli, Fabio. |
In consideration of: • the lack of organic juveniles reported by some MS; • the restriction on the movement of live animals between countries and regions based on the Council Directive (EC) No 88/20062; • the reluctance of farmers to introduce on their farms animals which could be unsuitable for the local (geographical) environment (e.g. genetic or population traits, resistance to different diseases, growth performances, reproductive cycle, behavioural characteristics, etc.); and • the lack in the Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/20083 of specific organic rules for managing the life cycle stage between the hatching and the weaning of juveniles, the Group supports the use of non-organic juveniles, for on-growing purposes, when organic aquaculture... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Aquaculture. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/25618/1/final_report_egtop_on_aquaculture_part-a_en.pdf |
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Beck, Alexander; Cabaret, Jacques; Halberg, Niels; Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Guiseppe; Monod, Mariane; Moritz, Robin; de la Plaza Pérez, José Luis; Speiser, Bernhard; Tittarelli, Fabio. |
The expert group for technical advice on organic production (EGTOP; thereafter called „the Group‟) in replying to point a) of the mandate concerning substances assessment concludes on the basis of the knowledge available in the group and information provided with the dossiers and by the Commission that: E 535 Sodium ferrocyanide anti-caking material, should be approved for use as a feed additive in salt for organic animal feed, subject to: - a maximum dose rate of 20 mg/kg NaCl (the maximum defined for human food) and - a limited time period, in order to provide a legal basis for current practice in the short term and to encourage the adoption of preferred carbonate alternatives longer term. E 566 Natrolite-Phonolite anti-caking material should be... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Policy environments and social economy. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/19563/1/final_report_on_feed_to_be_published_en.pdf |
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Beck, Alexander; Cabaret, Jacques; Halberg, Niels; Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Kretschmar, Ursula; Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Guiseppe; Monod, Mariane; Moritz, Robin F.A.; José Luis, de la Plaza Pérez; Speiser, Bernhard; Tittarelli, Fabio. |
The expert group for technical advice on organic production (EGTOP; thereafter called „the Group‟) has discussed whether the use of the substances/products/techniques mentioned below is in line with objectives, criteria and principles as well as the general rules laid down in Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 and whether they can therefore be authorised in organic production under the EU legislation. The Group concluded the following: - Hydrolysed proteins from animal by-product origin are in line with the objectives, criteria and principles of organic farming and should be included in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008, with the following restrictions: (i) Chemical hydrolysis only exceptionally acceptable in cases where it is required by... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Soil. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/19564/1/final_report_on_fertilizers_to_be_published_en.pdf |
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Cabaret, Jacques. |
Les études scientifiques concernant les élevages biologiques ne sont pas très nombreuses. C’est un champ d’étude qui a été négligé et laissé à l’initiative des individus de bonne volonté mais souvent portés par le militantisme. Une étude multidisciplinaire a été menée à l’INRA de Clermont-Ferrand (domaines de Redon et d’Orcival) a été entreprise dès 2000 et se poursuit encore actuellement. Nous disposons aussi des données collectées dans des élevages de la région Auvergne et de sa périphérie, entreprises par l’Institut de l’Elevage et l’ENITA de Clermont-Ferrand. Les conclusions de tous ces travaux sont les suivantes : 1) Le parasitisme par les strongles en élevage ovin biologique allaitant est parfois très important (8) et peut atteindre plus de... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/6803/1/8novcabaret.ppt |
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Bellon, Stéphane; Cabaret, Jacques; Debaeke, Philippe; Ollivier, Guillaume; Penvern, Servane. |
At INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research), the CIAB (Internal Committee of Organic Agriculture) is the main driver of an organic research program. The aim of this paper is to analyze whether these projects comply with the main objectives set out in the program. A database was built with all of the 40 project proposals that were finally approved. The database also made it possible to depict participation in collaborative networks. The analysis highlights four major benefits: (i) Structuring a network of scientific and professional partnerships, (ii) Mobilizing new research teams in the organic program,(iii) Resulting networks and partnerships,(iv) Mobilizing disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches. We finally draw lessons on the... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Research methodology and philosophy. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/23972/1/23972%20OWC14_Bellon%20et%20alJCPDGWformated_MM.pdf |
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