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Beta-globin gene cluster haplotypes in the Mapuche Indians of Argentina Genet. Mol. Biol.
Kaufman,Letícia; Carnese,Francisco R.; Goicoechea,Alicia; Dejean,Cristina; Salzano,Francisco M.; Hutz,Mara H..
Haplotypes derived from five polymorphic restriction sites in the beta-globin gene cluster were investigated in 86 chromosomes from the Argentinian Mapuche. These results were integrated with those previously obtained for ten Brazilian Indian tribes. Eight haplotypes were identified, the most frequent being 2 (57%) and 6 (27%). The presence of haplotype 3 in 2% of the Mapuche chromosomes is probably an evidence of admixture with individuals of African ancestry. Due to the high number of haplotypes observed, heterozygosity as measured by the Gini-Simpson index was higher in the Mapuche than in Brazilian Indians. The haplotypic distribution in the Mapuche was also significantly different from those of all Brazilian tribes investigated. This heterogeneity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Demography, genetic diversity, and population relationships among Argentinean Mapuche Indians Genet. Mol. Biol.
Goicoechea,Alicia S.; Carnese,Francisco R.; Caratini,Alicia L.; Avena,Sergio; Salaberry,Maria; Salzano,Francisco M..
Fertility, mortality and migration data from four Mapuche Indian communities located along a 215-km NE-SW linear area in the Province of Río Negro, Argentina, were collated with genetic information furnished by nine blood group systems and by mtDNA haplogroups. The demographic and genetic data indicated a clear dichotomy, which split the four populations into two groups of two. Differing degrees of non-Indian exchanges was probably the main determining factor for this separation. Total genetic variability was very similar in all groups, and the interpopulational variability accounted for only 10% of the total variability. A low prevalence of the Diego(a) antigen among the Mapuche was confirmed. The fact that significant genetic heterogeneity and population...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Genetic variability in Amerindian populations of Northern Argentina Genet. Mol. Biol.
Dejean,Cristina B.; Crouau-Roy,Brigitte; Goicoechea,Alicia S.; Avena,Sergio A.; Carnese,Francisco R..
The allelic variability of four dinucleotide microsatellites located in the HLA region (MOGc, D6S265, MIB, and TNFa) was analyzed in 67 individuals representing three Amerindian populations of the Argentine Gran Chaco: Toba, Wichi and Chorote. Genomic DNA was prepared from peripheral blood and DNA was extracted using the standard phenol-chloroform procedure. Alleles were identified by PCR, using an end-labelled reverse oligonucleotide primer (fluorescent 6 - Fam labeling). Despite the low number of samples studied, a high level of gene diversity was observed in each population and for each locus. Moreover, the mean number of alleles was 7.7, 5.3, 10.0, and 7.0 at loci MOGc, D6S265, MIB and TNFa, respectively. Differentiation tests between pairs of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aboriginal Argentinians; Microsatellites; Intra- and inter-populational variation.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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HLA-DRB1 alleles in four Amerindian populations from Argentina and Paraguay Genet. Mol. Biol.
Parolín,Maria L.; Carnese,Francisco R..
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the biological systems of major polymorphisms. The study of HLA class II variability has allowed the identification of several alleles that are characteristic to Amerindian populations, and it is an excellent tool to define the relations and biological affinities among them. In this work, we analyzed the allelic distribution of the HLA-DRB1 class II locus in four Amerindian populations: Mapuche (n = 34) and Tehuelche (n = 23) from the Patagonian region of Argentina, and Wichi SV (n = 24) and Lengua (n = 17) from the Argentinean and Paraguayan Chaco regions, respectively. In all of these groups, relatively high frequencies of Amerindian HLA-DRB1 alleles were observed (DRB1*0403, DRB1*0407, DRB1*0411,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HLA-DRB1; Polymorphism; Amerindians; Biological affinities.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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