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Adoption of Agricultural Production Practices: Lessons Learned from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Area Studies Project AgEcon
Caswell, Margriet; Fuglie, Keith O.; Ingram, Cassandra; Jans, Sharon; Kascak, Catherine.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Area Studies Project was designed to characterize the extent of adoption of nutrient, pest, soil, and water management practices and to assess the factors that affect adoption for a wide range of management strategies across different natural resource regions. The project entailed the administration of a detailed field-level survey to farmers in 12 watersheds in the Nation to gather data on agricultural practices, input use, and natural resource characteristics associated with farming activities. The data were analyzed by the Economic Research Service using a consistent methodological approach with the full set of data to study the constraints associated with the adoption of micronutrients, N-testing, split nitrogen...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Technology adoption; Conservation; Farm Management.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Biofuels and Land-Use Change: Estimation Challenges AgEcon
Marshall, Elizabeth P.; Caswell, Margriet.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Gollehon, Noel R.; Caswell, Margriet; Ribaudo, Marc; Kellogg, Robert L.; Lander, Charles; Letson, David.
Using data from the Census of Agriculture on animal inventory and sales, we estimate manure nutrient production on farms with confined livestock. Using reported on-farm production of crops on these same farms, we estimate the nutrient uptake for major field crops and pastureland. This enables us to examine the balance between manure nutrient production and nutrient need measured by crop uptake at a farm level. Examination at alternative spatial scales, shows that 75 percent of counties in the U.S. have farms that produce more manure nutrients than can be assimilated on the farm of production (excess nitrogen).The vast majority of the counties that produce excess nitrogen have adequate land in the county to spread the manure at agronomic rates. Thus,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Gollehon, Noel R.; Caswell, Margriet; Ribaudo, Marc; Kellogg, Robert L.; Lander, Charles; Letson, David.
Census of agriculture data were used to estimate manure nutrient production and the capacity of cropland and pastureland to assimilate nutrients. Most farms (78 percent for nitrogen and 69 percent for phosphorus) have adequate land on which it is physically feasible to apply the manure produced onfarm at agronomic rates. (The costs of applying manure at these rates have not been assessed). Even so, manure that is produced on operations that cannot fully apply it to their own land at agronomic rates accounts for 60 percent of the Nation's manure nitrogen and 70 percent of the manure phosphorus. In these cases, most counties with farms that produce "excess" nutrients have adequate crop acres not associated with animal operations, but within the county, on...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Manure; Nutrients; Manure nutrients; Animal waste; Confined livestock; Confined animal feeding operation; CAFO; Feedlot beef; Dairy cows; Swine; Poultry; Animal unit; Manure nitrogen; Manure phosphorus; Water quality; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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The First Decade of Genetically Engineered Crops in the USA AgEcon
Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge; Caswell, Margriet.
Ten years after the first generation of genetically engineered (GE) varieties became commercially available, adoption of these varieties by U.S. farmers is widespread for major crops. Driven by farmers' expectations of higher yields, savings in management time, and lower pesticide costs, the adoption of corn, soybean, and cotton GE varieties has increased rapidly. Despite the benefits, however, environmental and consumer concerns may have limited acceptance of GE crops, particularly in Europe. This report focuses on GE crops and their adoption in the United States over the past 10 years. It examines the three major stakeholders of agricultural biotechnology and finds that (1) the pace of R&D activity by producers of GE seed (the seed firms and...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Role of Information Technology in the Fuel Ethanol Industry AgEcon
Dunn, John R.; Caswell, Margriet; Crooks, Tony; Eidman, Vernon R.; Hrubovcak, James; Shapouri, Hosein; Richman, Scott; Scott, Tom.
This USDA-sponsored study uses panels of ethanol industry experts and follow up interviews with plant owners and managers to examine how information technology has impacted the structure, organization, and operations of the fuel ethanol industry. The study examined the following questions regarding the future of the ethanol industry: (1) Does the present ethanol industry represent a stable structure or a transitional step toward an inevitable concentration of ownership into the hands of a few large processing firms? (2) Have contemporary information technologies fundamentally changed the information flows, scale of operations, access to markets, conditions of vertical and horizontal coordination, sources of finance, and the competitive landscape for the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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