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Andrade,Rafaella R.; Campos,Alessandro T.; Cecchin,Daiane; Sousa,Francine A.; Amaral,Pedro I. S..
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate gas levels and the acoustic environment (noise) of growing-finishing swine in different facilities, one composed of shallow pool (SP) and another of partially slatted floor (PSF). Sensors and a sound level meter were used to measure gas concentrations (CO2 and NH3) and noise at 1.50 meters above the ground and at animal height. Data on gas concentrations and noise levels were measured at 9am, 12pm, and 3 pm. Results showed differences (P<0.05) between noise levels at animal height and gas concentrations measured in relation to stall type and data collection time. The highest noise values were found in the shallow pool stall, measured at animal level. The highest NH3 (13 ppm) and CO2 (1174.5 ppm) values were observed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ambience; Welfare; Air quality; Noise.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Air quality in swine growing and finishing facilities with different building typologies 91
Cecchin,Daiane; Campos,Alessandro T.; Cruz,Vasco F. da; Sousa,Francine A.; Amaral,Pedro I. S.; Yanagi Junior,Tadayuki.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the concentration of gases in three swine growing and finishing facilities with different building typologies, regarding floor and dividers. The experiment compared three treatments: pen with water depth, pen with partially slotted floor on the sides, and pen with partially slotted floor on sides and in the center. Measurements of instantaneous concentrations of ammonia (NH3 ppm) and carbon dioxide (CO2 ppm) were taken at animal level. The levels of sound pressure (dB) at animal level and at 1.50 m from the floor were also recorded. It was observed that the pen with water depth was the one with the highest average concentration of NH3. Although there was a significant difference in CO2 concentrations,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal welfare; Rural buildings; Gas concentration; Sound pressure.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Avaliação de diferentes materiais para recobrimento de camas em baias de galpão modelo free-stall 91
Cecchin,Daiane; Campos,Alessandro T.; Pires,Maria de F. A.; Lima,Renato R. de; Yanagi Junior,Tadayuki; Souza,Myriam C. M..
Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, comparar o uso de cama de colchão de borracha e de areia no recobrimento da superfície de baias para confinamento tipo free-stall. Foram monitoradas 18 vacas holandesas confinadas em galpão modelo free-stall cujas baias foram recobertas com camas de areia e colchão de borracha (tratamentos). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados. Os parâmetros comportamentais estudados foram os tempos despendidos nas atividades: deitada em ócio e deitada ruminando, em pé em ócio sobre a cama, em pé ruminando sobre a cama, registrados a cada 10 min. As variáveis ambientais e temperatura da superfície das camas foram registradas a cada hora. Houve maior preferência dos animais pela cama de areia para os comportamentos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Comportamento; Conforto; Gado de leite; Confinamento; Construções rurais.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Development of mortar for laying and coating with pineapple fibers 91
Azevedo,Afonso R.; Marvila,Markssuel T.; Zanelato,Euzébio B.; Alexandre,Jonas; Xavier,Gustavo C.; Cecchin,Daiane.
ABSTRACT Brazil is one of the largest producers of pineapple in the world, which, in addition to bringing substantial benefits, contributes to increasing waste generation in the stages of processing, aiming at its consumption. The Brazilian environmental legislation has been increasingly more restrictive with respect to the disposal of solid waste, whether domestic, industrial or agro-industrial, which has stimulated studies related to the use of these materials in several matrices. This study aimed to evaluate the potentiality of using the natural fiber of pineapple (Ananas comosus), extracted from its leaves, as reinforcing material in cementitious composites. For this purpose, natural fiber extracted from the pineapple crown was incorporated in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ananas comosus; Agroindustrial residues; Mixed mortars.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Reaproveitamento de resíduos de embalagens Tetra Pak-® em coberturas 91
Silva,Karen C. P. da; Campos,Alessandro T.; Yanagi Junior,Tadayuki; Cecchin,Daiane; Lourençoni,Dian; Ferreira,Jacqueline C..
Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar o reaproveitamento de embalagens Tetra Pak-® junto a telhas de fibrocimento e o uso de telhas recicladas à base de embalagens Tetra Pak-® no conforto térmico em modelos físicos em escala reduzida de instalações rurais. Para testar os diferentes materiais de cobertura, foram construídos seis modelos: telhas recicladas à base de embalagens Tetra Pak-®, telhas cerâmicas, telhas de fibrocimento, telhas de alumínio, telhas de fibrocimento com subcobertura de embalagens Tetra Pak-® com a face aluminizada voltada para cima e telhas de fibrocimento com forro de embalagens Tetra Pak-® com a face aluminizada voltada para cima. Os dados foram coletados no período de dezembro de 2012 a fevereiro de 2013, das 9 às...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Construções rurais; Forro; Índices do ambiente térmico; Materiais alternativos; Reciclagem de resíduo.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Amaral,Pedro I. S.; Campos,Alessandro T.; Yanagi Junior,Tadayuki; Cecchin,Daiane; Leite,Evandro M.; Dias e Silva,Nhayandra C..
ABSTRACT Although dry bulb temperature (T) is the environmental variable most commonly used to classify thermal comfort in pigs, environmental assessment ratios provide more accurate information. The objective of this study was to correlate the sound pressure levels (SPL) produced by piglet vocalization with the thermal environment observed during the nursery phase, and subsequently establish thermoneutrality ranges. The experiment was conducted on a pig farm where T, relative humidity (RH), and SPL data were recorded between 9 am-5 pm for 42 days. The association between SPL and T in nursery phase piglets was verified; for thermal comfort to be possible, SPLs were 56.3 to 60.3 dB. The SPLs were subsequently used in predictor equations of ratios, and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ambience; Animal welfare; Nursery; Rearing; Thermal comfort.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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