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Obtaining resistant lettuce progenies to downy mildew 75
Castoldi,Renata; Charlo,Hamilton CO; Melo,Danilo M; Candido,Willame S; Vargas,Pablo F; Dalpian,Tagli; Braz,Leila T.
Lettuce is the most consumed leafy vegetable in Brazil. Its production, nonetheless, is increasing in difficulties mainly due to the infestation of producing areas with Bremia lactucae. Thus, the use of horizontal resistant cultivars is the most viable alternative in controlling progress of disease. So, the objective of this study was to obtain resistant lettuce progenies to the races of downy mildew: SPBl:01, SPBl:02, SPBl:03, SPBl:04, SPBl:05, SPBl:06 and SPBl:07. The breeding consisted of two stages: crossover of parentals to obtain the resistant lettuce progenies and endurance test of the progeny to B. lactucae races. The parentals used to obtain progenies with resistance factor R-18 and R-38 were: JAB 4-13-7 and JAB 4-13-7. The Pedigree method was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa; Resistance factor; Bremia lactucae.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Performance of cucumber hybrids cultivated in coconut fiber and soil 75
Castoldi,Renata; Gomes,Rafaelle F; Charlo,Hamilton CO; Melo,Danilo M; Braz,Leila T.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of three Japanese group cucumber hybrids, which were cultivated in two cultivation systems. The experiment was designed in a split-plot randomized block design with two cultivation systems (coconut fiber and soil) for commercial Japanese cucumber hybrids ('Tsuyataro', 'Yoshinari' and 'Nankyoku'). After harvesting the cucumbers, we evaluated the number of marketable fruits per plant, the average fruit length, the mean fruit diameter, the bottom fruit diameter, the marketable production of fruits per plant and the marketable yield per hectare. There were significant interactions between the cultivation system and the hybrid, as indicated by the number of marketable fruits. The Nankyoku hybrid had the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cucumis sativus; Protected cultivation; Substrate.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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