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Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Fernandes, Elaine Aparecida; Sampaio, Danilo De Oliveira.
O agronegócio vem contribuindo com superávits expressivos na balança comercial nos últimos anos. Esses superávits serviram para contrabalançar déficits em outros setores e foram fundamentais para a obtenção dos grandes superávits da balança comercial a partir de 2002 O Brasil, na década de noventa, assumiu posição de destaque como importante receptor de investimento direto estrangeiro (IDE). O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar até que ponto a entrada de IDE no agronegócio levou a um aumento da exportação do setor. O método utilizado na investigação foi a análise multivariada discriminante. Esse método é bastante adequado, já que possibilita identificar grupos de atividades que mais exportam e, assim, fornece ferramentas de planejamento às agências...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Investimento direto estrangeiro; Exportação e agronegócio; Foreign direct investment; Exports; Agribusiness; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Como compensar e incentivar os municípios a proteger e conservar o meio ambiente? O caso do ICMS Ecológico em Minas Gerais 31
Fernandes, Luciany Lima; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Fernandes, Elaine Aparecida; Lima, Joao Eustaquio de.
The ecological ICMS was first used to distribute a share of the ICMS revenue in the state of Parana in 1991. This pioneer experience originated from counties’ claims which argued that their economies were harmed by land use restrictions, mainly because they were watershed protection areas or their territory was part of a conservation unit. Responding to these claims, the state government changed the ICMS allocation criteria, favoring those counties with added funds. In the Minas Gerais State, the Ecological ICMS was implemented in 1995 with the “Robin Hood Law”. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Ecological ICMS in Minas Gerais as an instrument for compensation and incentive. Results showed the creation of a conservation unit would compensate...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecological ICMS; Minas Gerais; Panel Data Model; Conservation Units.; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Efeitos redistributivos e determinantes de recebimento do ICMS Ecológico pelos municípios mineiros 31
Fernandes, Luciany Lima; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Fernandes, Elaine Aparecida; Lima, Joao Eustaquio de.
The ecological ICMS was first used to distribute a share of the ICMS revenue in the state of Parana in 1991. In the Minas Gerais State, the Ecological ICMS was implemented in 1995 with the “Robin Hood Law”. The objective of this study was to evaluate the change in the ICMS distribution in Minas Gerais caused by the introduction of the ecological criterion. Results showed that the distributional effects were small mainly due to the small percentage allocated to counties, benefiting mainly poor and small counties and harming most counties. A logit model was estimated to check the determinants of counties on receiving the Ecological ICMS. Results showed that counties area and the ICMS amount received by the value-added criterion had positive effect on the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecological ICMS; Minas Gerais; Logit Model; Distribution; Environmental Economics and Policy; Public Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Padrão de consumo de alimentos no Brasil 31
Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Aguiar, Danilo Rolim Dias de; Fernandes, Elaine Aparecida.
Food purchasing in Brazil has undergone major changes in the last few decades caused by structural shifts such as urbanization, changes in demographic characteristics and increase in participation of women in the labor force. Therefore, it is necessary to identify thoroughly new consumption patterns of families, especially concerning determinants of food purchasing decision. The objective of this study was to understand the consumption pattern of Brazilian families for food products by means of a qualitative response variable model including eighteen food products using POF 2002/2003 data. The Probit model was chosen to estimate this decision. Estimation results showed that purchasing probabilities of staple foods were negative related to family monthly...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food Purchase; Brazilian Household Budget Survey (POF); Probit Model; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D12; C25; R22.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Perfil de consumo de nutrientes nas principais regiões metropolitanas do Brasil 31
Rodrigues, Cristiana Tristao; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Braga, Marcelo Jose; Gomes, Adriano Provezano.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the pattern of nutrient intake in major metropolitan region of Brazil, seeking to identify the nutrient intake adequacy in the Brazilian families, and their evolution over time. The Almost Ideal System (AIDS) model was employed to estimate the demand for nutrients. The data used are from the Household Budget Survey of 1995 and 2003. The results indicated that the nutrient demand of the population has poor sensitivity to changes in prices. In addition, families tend to demand relatively more fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates than vitamins and minerals. It was found that there was worsening in the pattern of intake for most nutrients from 1995 to 2003, in relation to daily nutrient recommendations. Thus,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Nutrient demand; Household Budget Survey; Almost Ideal Demand System Model; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Fernandes, Elaine Aparecida; Miranda, Romulo J.S.; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca.
A cultura cafeeira foi e continua sendo de primordial importância para a economia brasileira. Além de importante fonte de renda para a economia brasileira, o café tem destacada participação nas receitas cambiais, na transferência de renda entre setores e na formação de capital no setor agrícola nacional. Outro fator que privilegia o Brasil na produção cafeeira é o fato de sua produção ser em larga escala e diversificada, ao contrário da maioria dos países produtores que se especializam na produção de uma única espécie. A possibilidade de flutuações cíclicas nos preços e nas quantidades produzidas e/ou exportadas constitui sério problema para esse setor. Essa constatação motivou o presente estudo que utilizou basicamente dois métodos de análise para a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Análise espectral; Ciclos; Raiz unitária; Espectral analysis; Cycles; Unit roots; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Relação entre os preços do frango no atacado, nos estados do Paraná e São Paulo 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Alves, Marcelo de Castro.
This paper aims to check whether there is a relationship between wholesale chicken prices in the states of Paraná and São Paulo in the period on 01/1995 to 12/2007. Was used the model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) for realization of causality test, forecast error variance decomposition and impulse response function. The results indicate the relationship of unidirectional causality from São Paulo to Parana prices and the São Paulo’s series is responsible for explain the behavior of Parana's series. It was found that the shocks occurring in the market for chicken in these two states lead to price instability and tends to fit in both location over time, returning to its level prior to the original one shock.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Chicken price; Wholesale; Cointegration; Paraná; São Paulo; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Taxa de câmbio real efetiva e exportações de automóveis no Brasil, 1990-2005 31
Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Recupero, Leonardo.
The objective of this paper was to analyze whether there is a long-run relationship between Brazilian automobile exports and the real effective exchange rate in Brazil in the 1990-2005 period. The methodology used was cointegration analysis, in particular, the Johansen procedure. Results showed no cointegration between automobile exports and the real effective exchange rate in the period, even when the sample was split to capture distinct exchange rate regimes. The main conclusion is that Brazilian automobile exports in the period are better explained by other factors, such as firm strategies, institutional factors and sector-specific changes.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Real effective exchange rate; Exports; Automobile; Cointegration; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Valoração econômica da Gruta do Maquiné em Cordisburgo - MG 31
Paula, Zelia Rodrigues de; Gomes, Marilia Fernandes Maciel; Lima, Joao Eustaquio de; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Quintela, Mirelle C. de Abreu.
The Maquiné Cavern is a natural resource system located at Cordisburgo, MG. It was built by nature in the last few thousand years. It’s a source of knowledge to researchers and income to local people. Therefore, it’s very important to preserve it. Visitors’ characteristics and econometric estimation of demand systems are key information which may be important to resource management decisions. Our objective was to find the economic value of the Maquiné Cavern. The analytical procedure was the Travel Cost method. Data were obtained by interviews. Results showed that most visitors have high educational levels and generally do not travel alone and visit Maquiné Cavern for the first time. The average willingness to pay for visits to the Maquiné Cavern, in each...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Maquiné cavern; Environmental valuation; Willingness-to-pay; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Paula, Zelia Rodrigues de; Maciel, Marilia Fernandes; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Lima, Joao Eustaquio de.
A Gruta do Maquiné, importante ativo ambiental do Município de Cordisburgo-MG, foi formada ao longo de milhares de anos pela natureza. Suas especificidades a tornam fonte de conhecimento e de geração de renda, sendo, portanto, essencial a sua proteção. A determinação do perfil do visitante da Gruta do Maquiné e a estimativa da demanda de visitantes são informações que podem contribuir para a tomada de decisão dos gestores desse ativo. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho consistiu em determinar o valor econômico do ativo ambiental Gruta do Maquiné - MG. Especificamente pretendeu-se: traçar o perfil do turista da Gruta do Maquiné, analisar a resposta dos consumidores às variações na taxa de admissão da Gruta do Maquiné e o excedente do consumidor...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Valoração econômica; Ativo ambiental; Custo de viagem; Economic valuation; Active environmental; Cost of travel; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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