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Available Potential Energy in Density Coordinates ArchiMer
Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Huck, Thierry; Pogossian, Souren; Ollitrault, Michel.
The vertically integrated potential energy of an incompressible stratified fluid formulated in density coordinates can be simply written as a weighted vertical sum of the squares of the vertical displacements of density surfaces, a general expression valid for arbitrary displacements. The sum of this form of potential energy and kinetic energy is then a conserved quantity for the multilayer shallow water model. The formulation in density coordinates is a natural one to find the Lorenz reference state of available potential energy (APE).We describe the method to compute the APE of an ocean state and provide two applications. The first is the classical double-gyre, wind-driven circulation simulated by a shallow water model at high resolution.We show that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Energy transport; Ocean circulation; Ocean dynamics; Isopycnal coordinates.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Can We Infer Diapycnal Mixing Rates from the World Ocean Temperature-Salinity Distribution? ArchiMer
Arzel, Olivier; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
The turbulent diapycnal mixing in the ocean is currently obtained from microstructure and finestructure measurements, dye experiments, and inverse models. This study presents a new method that infers the diapycnal mixing from low-resolution numerical calculations of the World Ocean whose temperatures and salinities are restored to the climatology. At the difference of robust general circulation ocean models, diapycnal diffusion is not prescribed but inferred. At steady state the buoyancy equation shows an equilibrium between the large-scale diapycnal advection and the restoring terms that take the place of the divergence of eddy buoyancy fluxes. The geography of the diapycnal flow reveals a strong regional variability of water mass transformations....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diapycnal mixing; Eddies; Meridional overturning circulation; Mixing; Ocean circulation; General circulation models.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Direct temporal cascade of temperature variance in eddy-permitting simulations of multidecadal variability ArchiMer
Hochet, Antoine; Huck, Thierry; Arzel, Olivier; Sevellec, Florian; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Mazloff, Matthew; Cornuelle, Bruce.
The North Atlantic is characterized by basin-scale multidecadal fluctuations of the sea surface temperature with periods ranging from 20 to 70 years. One candidate for such a variability is a large-scale baroclinic instability of the temperature gradients across the Atlantic associated with the North Atlantic Current. Because of the long time scales involved, most of the studies devoted to this problem are based on low resolution numerical models leaving aside the effect of explicit meso-scale eddies. How high-frequency motions associated with the meso-scale eddy field affect the basin-scale low-frequency variabiliy is the central question of this study. This issue is addressed using an idealized configuration of an Ocean General Circulation Model at...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Evolution of Intermediate Water Masses Based on Argo Float Displacements ArchiMer
Sevellec, Florian; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Ollitrault, Michel.
The evolution and dispersion of intermediate water masses in the ocean interior is studied. To this purpose, an empirical statistical model of Lagrangian tracers at a constant depth level is developed. The model follows the transfer operator based on 10-day deep displacements of Argo floats at; similar to 1000m depth. An asymptotic analysis of the model shows the existence of 10 principal stationary points (the 10 locations attract asymptotically 97% of the tracers). It takes; 1000 years to reach this asymptotic regime relevant for estimating the stationary points. For Lagrangian floats, the concept of attractor needs to be generalized in a statistical sense (versus deterministic), except for a few places in the ocean. In this new framework, a tracer has a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamics; Large-scale motions; In situ oceanic observations; Statistical techniques; Ocean models.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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From centennial to millennial oscillation of the thermohaline circulation ArchiMer
Sevellec, Florian; Huck, Thierry; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
The freshwater flux intensity is used as the main control parameter to destabilize the ThermoHaline Circulation (THC): as it increases, the classical bifurcation scenario, thermal stable steady state, millennial oscillation and haline stable steady state are reproduced in a 2D zonally-averaged ocean model under mixed boundary conditions. Both bifurcations arise through global bifurcations leading to an infinite period of the limit cycle. Here we highlight a centennial oscillation important for the instability of the thermal phase of the millennial oscillation and which could be considered as a precursor to the collapse of the THC. It is suggested that the existence or the absence of this centennial oscillation leads to dramatic changes in the collapse time...
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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Low-frequency variations of the large-scale ocean circulation and heat transport in the North Atlantic from 1955-1998 in situ temperature and salinity data ArchiMer
Huck, Thierry; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Estrade, P.; Schopp, Richard.
Low-frequency variations of the large-scale ocean circulation in the Atlantic are reconstructed from NODC pentadal anomalies of temperature and salinity from 1955 to 1998 based on hydrographic data, in addition to atmospheric reanalysis surface forcing. Diagnostic ocean circulations are estimated from simple methods using dynamical model integrations: namely diagnostic, robust diagnostic, and short prognostic. Mean transports of heat and mass are sensitive to the method and model configuration, but their decadal variability is much more coherent and does not depend explicitly on the variations of the surface forcing, its influence being imprinted in the thermohaline structure. Multidecadal variations are of the order of 20%, with large transports in the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Meridional Overturning and Heat Transport From Argo Floats Displacements and the Planetary Geostrophic Method (PGM): Application to the subpolar North Atlantic ArchiMer
Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Meunier, Thomas; Ollitrault, Michel.
A direct method is presented to obtain the meridional overturning and heat transport in oceanic basins from observations under the sole assumptions of geostrophy and hydrostatics. The method is made possible because of the rising Argo float displacements database that can provide a reference level at 1000 dbar for the time mean circulation at 1 degrees x 1 degrees resolution. To achieve the overturning and heat transport objectives, the absolute geostrophic time mean circulation must have nondivergent barotropic transports and this requires the solutions of two Poisson equations with suitable boundary conditions, one for the geopotential at 1000 dbar and one for the barotropic stream function. Applied to the subpolar Atlantic for the period 2000-2009, an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oceanic heat transport; Meridional overturning; Subpolar Atlantic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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On the Movements of the North Atlantic Subpolar Front in the Preinstrumental Past* ArchiMer
Marchal, Olivier; Waelbroeck, Claire; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
Three sediment records of sea surface temperature (SST) are analyzed that originate from distant locations in the North Atlantic, have centennial-to-multicentennial resolution, are based on the same reconstruction method and chronological assumptions, and span the past 15 000 yr. Using recursive least squares techniques, an estimate of the time-dependent North Atlantic SST field over the last 15 kyr is sought that is consistent with both the SST records and a surface ocean circulation model, given estimates of their respective error (co)variances. Under the authors' assumptions about data and model errors, it is found that the 10 degrees C mixed layer isotherm, which approximately traces the modern Subpolar Front, would have moved by ~15 degrees of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Inverse methods; Kalman filters; Climate variability; Circulation/ Dynamics; Geographic location/entity; Oceanic variability; Variability; Mathematical and statistical techniques; Fronts; North Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Simulation of a coastal jet retention process using a barotropic model ArchiMer
Penven, Pierrick; Roy, Claude; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Largier, John.
In the southern Benguela, sardine and anchovy spawn on the Western Agulhas Bank. Eggs and larvae are transported to the West coast nursery ground by a! coastal current. Once the larvae reach the West coast, retention within the favorable coastal domain is key to larvae survival and recruitment. The Cape Columbine-St Helena Bay area is the main nursery ground along the West Coast. In this area, the interaction between upwelling and topography results in the formation of an upwelling plume. The plume, and the associated circulation patterns, is thought to be the mechanism providing retention within the coastal domain. The dynamics of the plume are studied using a set of:numerical experiments. It is shown that an equatorward wind forcing produces a cyclonic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benguela; Effets de cap; Modélisation; Rétention; Recrutement; Benguela; Cape effects; Modeling; Retention; Recruitment.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The Eastern Boundary of the Subtropical North Atlantic ArchiMer
Arhan, Michel; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Memery, L.
A quasi-meridional hydrographic section carried out between 60-degrees and 20-degrees-N offshore from the European and African continental slopes is analyzed in terms of water masses and zonal transports in and out of the eastern boundary. Outstanding features of the meridional distribution of water masses are focused on, such as the transition between North Atlantic and South Atlantic Central Waters at 20-degrees-25-degrees-N, the properties and anticyclonic circulation of the Rockall Channel mode water, and the northern boundary of the large-scale Mediterranean Water plume at about 50-degrees-N. An eastward transport of about 11 X 10(6) m3 s-1 is found to enter the eastern boundary layer at densities lower than 27.25 and feed southward alongshore...
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Ano: 1994 URL:
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The Internal Generation of the Atlantic Ocean Interdecadal Variability ArchiMer
Arzel, Olivier; Huck, Thierry; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
Numerical simulations of a realistic ocean general circulation model forced by prescribed surface fluxes are used to study the origin and structure of intrinsic interdecadal variability of the ocean circulation. When eddy-induced turbulent diffusivities are low enough, spontaneous oscillations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) with periods O(20) yr and amplitude O(1) Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) emerge. The transition from the steady to the oscillatory regime is shown to be consistent with a supercritical Hopf bifurcation of the horizontal Peclet number. Adding atmospheric thermal damping is shown to have a very limited influence on the domain of existence of intrinsic variability. The spatial structure of the mode consists of a dipole of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Instability; Meridional overturning circulation; Ocean circulation; Planetary waves; Climate variability; Multidecadal variability.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The Ocean General Circulation near 1000-m Depth ArchiMer
Ollitrault, Michel; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
The mean ocean circulation near 1000-m depth is estimated with 100-km resolution from the Argo float displacements collected before 1 January 2010. After a thorough validation, the 400 000 or so displacements found in the 950–1150 dbar layer and with parking times between 4 and 17 days allow the currents to be mapped at intermediate depths with unprecedented details. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is the most prominent feature, but western boundary currents (and their recirculations) and alternating zonal jets in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific are also well defined. Eddy kinetic energy (EKE) gives the mesoscale variability (on the order of 10 cm2 s−2 in the interior), which is compared to the surface geostrophic altimetric EKE showing e-folding...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation; Dynamics; Currents; Dynamics; Large-scale motions; Ocean circulation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The stability of dipolar gyres on a beta-plane ArchiMer
Herbette, Steven; Hochet, Antoine; Huck, Thierry; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Collin, Jeremy; Shillington, Frank.
When a source-sink dipole forces a fluid on a beta-plane limited by a western boundary, the linear steady solution can be obtained analytically and consists of zonally elongated gyres that extend west of the forcing and close as western boundary currents. The nondimensional parameter Ro(upsilon) = U/(4 beta a(2)) (with U the zonal velocity of the flow and 2a the distance between the source and sink) is used to characterize the nonlinearity of the flow. When Ro(upsilon) reaches 0.1, the numerical shallow-water solution shows that the configuration with the source to the north of the sink becomes unstable, while the reverse configuration remains steady. Indeed, that reverse configuration remains steady for much larger values of the nonlinearity parameter...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Beta-plane double-gyre; Source-sink rotating tank experiments; Jet instability; Hopf bifurcation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The Vertical Structure of Large-Scale Unsteady Currents ArchiMer
Hochet, Antoine; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Scott, Robert.
A linear model based on the quasigeostrophic equations is constructed in order to predict the vertical structure of Rossby waves and, more broadly, of anomalies resolved by altimeter data, roughly with periods longer than 20 days and with wavelengths larger than 100 km. The subsurface field is reconstructed from sea surface height and climatological stratification. The solution is calculated in periodic rectangular regions with a 3D discrete Fourier transform. The effect of the mean flow on Rossby waves is neglected, which the authors believe is a reasonable approximation for low latitudes. The method used has been tested with an idealized double- gyre simulation [performed with the Miami Isopycnal Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM)]. The linear model is able...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation/ Dynamics; Ocean dynamics; Rossby waves; Waves; Oceanic; Mathematical and statistical techniques; Fourier analysis; Models and modeling; Quasigeostrophic models.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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