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Biology of a trap-nesting wasp of one species the ground-nesting Liris (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) from the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil Rev. Bras. Zool.
Costa,Camila Cristina Ferreira da; Buschini,Maria Luisa Tunes.
ABSTRACT Studies on the nesting biology of Liris are restricted to a few notes and observations on ground-nesting species. There are no studies of this kind about Brazilian species. We investigated and described the nesting biology of Liris sp. obtained by trap-nests that were installed at an area of Atlantic Forest vegetation (25°10'S, 48°18'W) in southern Brazil. The nests of Liris sp. are built with a variety of plant debris. They usually have one cell, but may have up to two. Nests do not show vestibular or intercalary cells. Immatures have a hard cocoon made with the silk they produce, mixed with the fine sand and sawdust left by the adult female at the bottom of the cell. No nest parasites were observed. The wasps did not go through diapause at the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Burrow; Cocoon; Nesting biology; Parasites; Solitary wasp.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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What do we know about Neotropical trap-nesting bees? Synopsis about their nest biology and taxonomy Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Costa,Camila Cristina Ferreira da; Gonçalves,Rodrigo Barbosa.
Abstract Cavity-nesting bees are enigmatic because they are difficult to observe in the wild, hence trap-nests (man-made cavities) provide the means by which these bees may be studied. Trap-nests is an efficient methodology to study these bees and are common worldwide. These traps have been used for a variety of reasons, including inventories, to examine pollen load, to study habitat disturbance, and bee conservation. However Neotropical trap-nesting bees’ taxonomy and biology are still poorly known and here we provide a review about these subjects. We searched for trap-nest bee studies in the Neotropical Region using Google Scholar and ISI Web of Science at any time in the past to December 2017. We found 109 independent studies, most of which were from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bee hotels; Diversity; Methodology; Nesting behavior; Systematics.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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