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Daher,Elizabeth De Francesco; Silva Júnior,Geraldo Bezerra da; Damasceno,Renata Trindade; Santos,Gustavo Martins dos; Corsino,Germana Alves; Silva,Sônia Leite da; Gutiérrez-Adrianzén,Oswaldo Augusto. |
Renal TB is difficult to diagnose, because many patients present themselves with lower urinary symptoms which are typical of bacterial cystitis. We report a case of a young woman with renal TB and ESRD. She was admitted with complaints of adynamia, anorexia, fever, weight loss, dysuria and generalized edema for 10 months. At physical examination she was febrile (39ºC), and her abdomen had increased volume and was painful at palpation. Laboratorial tests showed serum urea=220mg/dL, creatinine=6.6mg/dL, hemoglobin=7.9g/dL, hematocrit=24.3%, leukocytes=33,600/mm³ and platelets=664,000/mm³. Urinalysis showed an acid urine (pH=5.0), leukocyturia (2+/4+) and mild proteinuria (1+/4+). She was also oliguric (urinary volume <400mL/day). Abdominal echography... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report |
Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis; Renal tuberculosis; Extrapulmonary tuberculosis; End-stage renal disease; Chronic renal failure. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-86702007000100036 |
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