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Effect of composting on the fate of steroids in beef cattle manure NWISRL
Bartlelt-Hunt, S.L.; De Vivo, S; Johnson, L.C.; Snow, D.D.; Kranz, W.L.; Mader, T.L.; Shapiro, C.A.; Van Donk, S.J.; Shelton, D.P.; Zhang, T.C.; Tarkalson, D.D..
In this study, the fate of steroid hormones in beef cattle manure composting is evaluated. The fate of 16 steroids and metabolites was evaluated in composted manure from beef cattle administered growth promotants and from beef cattle with no steroid hormone implants. The fate of estrogens (primary detected as estrone), androgens, progesterone, and the fusarium metabolite and implant a-zearalanol were monitored in manure compost piles. First-order decay rates were calculated for steroid half-lives in compost and ranged from 8 days for androsterone to 69 days for 4-androsterone. Other steroid concentration data did not fit first-order decay models which may indicate that other microbial processes may result in steroid production or synthesis in...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Feed preference; Animal; Manure.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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