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A method for the use of the radiotracer 55Fe for microautoradiography and CARD-FISH of natural bacterial communities 5
Fourquez, Marion; Obernosterer, Ingrid; Blain, Stephane.
Heterotrophic bacteria are key players in the biogeochemical cycle of iron (Fe) in the ocean, but the capability of different bacterial groups to access this micronutrient is ignored thus far. The aim of our study was to develop a protocol for the combined application of microautoradiography (MICRO) and catalyzed reporter depositionfluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) using the radioisotope 55Fe. Among the different washing solutions tested, Ti-citrate-EDTA was the most efficient for the removal of extracellular 55Fe providing sufficiently low background values. We further demonstrate that the washing of cells with Ti-citrate-EDTA and the fixation with paraformaldehyde or formaldehyde do not induce leakage of intracellular 55Fe. Incubating...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microautoradiography; 55Fe; CARD-FISH; Marine bacteria.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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