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First Assessment of the Benthic Meiofauna Sensitivity to Low Human-Impacted Mangroves in French Guiana ArchiMer
Michelet, Claire; Zeppilli, Daniela; Hubas, Cédric; Baldrighi, Elisa; Cuny, Philippe; Dirberg, Guillaume; Militon, Cécile; Walcker, Romain; Lamy, Dominique; Jézéquel, Ronan; Receveur, Justine; Gilbert, Franck; Houssainy, Amonda El; Dufour, Aurélie; Heimbürger-boavida, Lars-eric; Bihannic, Isabelle; Sylvi, Léa; Vivier, Baptiste; Michaud, Emma.
Bioindicators assess the mangroves ecological state according to the types of pressures but they differ with the ecosystem’s specificities. We investigated benthic meiofauna diversity and structure within the low human-impacted mangroves in French Guiana (South America) in response to sediment variables with various distances to the main city. Contaminant’s concentrations differed among the stations, but they remained below toxicity guidelines. Meiofauna structure (Foraminifera, Kinorhyncha, Nematoda) however varied accordingly. Nematode’s identification brought details on the sediment’s quality. The opportunistic genus Paraethmolaimus (Jensen, 1994) strongly correlated to the higher concentrations of Hg, Pb. Anoxic sediments were marked by organic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mangroves; Biodiversity; Meiofauna; Nematode; Anthropogenic pressures; Natural contamination; South America.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Test écotoxicologique sur microalgues et lecteur de plaques : mesures d'activités enzymatiques sur cellules in vivo. Application à l'évaluation de la qualité du milieu ArchiMer
Gilbert, Franck; Galgani, Francois.
A new method for the assessment of several contaminant effects on marine microalgae (Tetraselmis suesica, Skeletonema costatum) has been developped. The method is based on the measure of cells esterase activity using a fluorimetric stain, fluorescein diacetate (FDA). The experiments are performed in microplates using a fluorimetric microplate reader. The different steps of the experiments and the data processing are controlled by an original specific software. Application of the system for rapid ecotoxicological tests (determination of LC 50) and for assessment of environment quality by observation of water samples are proposed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Environnement; Écotoxicologie; CL 50; Estérase; Microalgues; FDA; Microplaques; Environment; Ecotoxicology; Le 50; Esterase; Microalgae; FDA; Microplates.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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