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A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) 5
Pfeil, B.; Olsen, A.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Hankin, S.; Koyuk, H.; Kozyr, A.; Malczyk, J.; Manke, A.; Metzl, N.; Sabine, C. L.; Akl, J.; Alin, S. R.; Bates, N.; Bellerby, R. G. J.; Borges, A.; Boutin, J.; Brown, P. J.; Cai, W. -j.; Chavez, F. P.; Chen, A.; Cosca, C.; Fassbender, A. J.; Feely, R. A.; Gonzalez-davila, M.; Goyet, C.; Hales, B.; Hardman-mountford, N.; Heinze, C.; Hood, M.; Hoppema, M.; Hunt, C. W.; Hydes, D.; Ishii, M.; Johannessen, T.; Jones, S. D.; Key, R. M.; Koertzinger, A.; Landschuetzer, P.; Lauvset, S. K.; Lefevre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lourantou, A.; Merlivat, L.; Midorikawa, T.; Mintrop, L.; Miyazaki, C.; Murata, A.; Nakadate, A.; Nakano, Y.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Omar, A. M.; Padin, X. A.; Park, G. -h.; Paterson, K.; Perez, Fiz F; Pierrot, D.; Poisson, A.; Rios, A. F.; Santana-casiano, J. M.; Salisbury, J.; Sarma, V. V. S. S.; Schlitzer, R.; Schneider, B.; Schuster, U.; Sieger, R.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Suzuki, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tedesco, K.; Telszewski, M.; Thomas, H.; Tilbrook, B.; Tjiputra, J.; Vandemark, D.; Veness, T.; Wanninkhof, R.; Watson, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Wong, C. S.; Yoshikawa-inoue, H..
A well-documented, publicly available, global data set of surface ocean carbon dioxide (CO2) parameters has been called for by international groups for nearly two decades. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) project was initiated by the international marine carbon science community in 2007 with the aim of providing a comprehensive, publicly available, regularly updated, global data set of marine surface CO2, which had been subject to quality control (QC). Many additional CO2 data, not yet made public via the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), were retrieved from data originators, public websites and other data centres. All data were put in a uniform format following a strict protocol. Quality control was carried out according to clearly...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Carbonate system in the water masses of the Southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during February and March 2008 5
Gonzalez-davila, M.; Santana-casiano, J. M.; Fine, R. A.; Happell, J.; Delille, B.; Speich, Sabrina.
Carbonate system variables were measured in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean along a transect from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) from February to March 2008. Eddies detached from the retroflection of the Agulhas Current increased the gradients observed along the fronts. Minima in the fugacity of CO2, fCO(2), and maxima in pH on either side of the frontal zone were observed, noting that within the frontal zone fCO(2) reached maximum values and pH was at a minimum. Vertical distributions of water masses were described by their carbonate system properties and their relationship to CFC concentrations. Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) offered pH(T,25)...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Labile Fe(II) concentrations in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean along a transect from the subtropical domain to the Weddell Sea Gyre 5
Sarthou, G.; Bucciarelli, Eva; Chever, Fanny; Hansard, S. P.; Gonzalez-davila, M.; Santana-casiano, J. M.; Planchon, F.; Speich, Sabrina.
Labile Fe(II) distributions were investigated in the Sub-Tropical South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean during the BONUS-GoodHope cruise from 34 to 57 degrees S (February-March 2008). Concentrations ranged from below the detection limit (0.009 nM) to values as high as 0.125 nM. In the surface mixed layer, labile Fe(II) concentrations were always higher than the detection limit, with values higher than 0.060nM south of 47 degrees S, representing between 39% and 63% of dissolved Fe (DFe). Apparent biological production of Fe(II) was evidenced. At intermediate depth, local maxima were observed, with the highest values in the Sub-Tropical domain at around 200 m, and represented more than 70% of DFe. Remineralization processes were likely responsible for those...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Gridded Data Products 5
Sabine, C. L.; Hankin, S.; Koyuk, H.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Pfeil, B.; Olsen, A.; Metzl, N.; Kozyr, A.; Fassbender, A.; Manke, A.; Malczyk, J.; Akl, J.; Alin, S. R.; Bellerby, R. G. J.; Borges, A.; Boutin, J.; Brown, P. J.; Cai, W. -j.; Chavez, F. P.; Chen, A.; Cosca, C.; Feely, R. A.; Gonzalez-davila, M.; Goyet, C.; Hardman-mountford, N.; Heinze, C.; Hoppema, M.; Hunt, C. W.; Hydes, D.; Ishii, M.; Johannessen, T.; Key, R. M.; Koertzinger, A.; Landschuetzer, P.; Lauvset, S. K.; Lefevre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lourantou, A.; Merlivat, L.; Midorikawa, T.; Mintrop, L.; Miyazaki, C.; Murata, A.; Nakadate, A.; Nakano, Y.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Omar, A. M.; Padin, X. A.; Park, G. -h.; Paterson, K.; Perez, F.f.; Pierrot, D.; Poisson, A.; Rios, A. F.; Salisbury, J.; Santana-casiano, J. M.; Sarma, V. V. S. S.; Schlitzer, R.; Schneider, B.; Schuster, U.; Sieger, R.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Suzuki, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tedesco, K.; Telszewski, M.; Thomas, H.; Tilbrook, B.; Vandemark, D.; Veness, T.; Watson, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Wong, C. S.; Yoshikawa-inoue, H..
A well documented, publicly available, global data set for surface ocean carbon dioxide (CO2) parameters has been called for by international groups for nearly two decades. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) project was initiated by the international marine carbon science community in 2007 with the aim of providing a comprehensive, publicly available, regularly updated, global data set of marine surface CO2, which had been subject to quality control (QC). SOCAT version 1.5 was made public in September 2011 and holds 6.3 million quality controlled surface CO2 data from the global oceans and coastal seas, spanning four decades (1968–2007). The SOCAT gridded data is the second data product to come from the SOCAT project. Recognizing that some groups may have...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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