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A 2700-year record of ENSO and PDO variability from the Californian margin based on coccolithophore assemblages and calcification ArchiMer
Beaufort, Luc; Grelaud, Michael.
The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) account for a large part of modern climate variability. Over the last decades, understanding of these modes of climate variability has increased but prediction in the context of global warming has proven difficult because of the lack of pertinent and reproducible paleodata. Here, we infer the dynamics of these oscillations from fossil assemblage and calcification state of coccolithophore in the Californian margin because El Niño has a strong impact on phytoplankton ecology and PDO on the upwelling intensity and hence on the ocean chemistry. Intense Californian upwelling brings water rich in CO2 and poor in carbonate ions and coccolithophores secrete lower calcified...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: El Nino Southern Oscillation; Pacific Decadal Oscillation; Past climate variability; Santa Barbara Basin; Solar cycles; Centennial climatic variability.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Abrupt shoaling of the nutricline in response to massive freshwater flooding at the onset of the last interglacial sapropel event ArchiMer
Grelaud, Michael; Marino, Gianluca; Ziveri, Patrizia; Rohling, Eelco J..
A detailed assessment of the respective roles of production, export, and subsequent preservation of organic carbon (C-org) in the eastern Mediterranean (EMED) sediments during the formation of sapropels remains elusive. Here we present new micropaleontological results for both surface samples taken at several locations in the EMED and last interglacial sapropel S5 from core LC21 in the southeastern Aegean Sea. A strong exponential anticorrelation between relative abundances of the lower photic zone coccolithophore Florisphaera profunda in the surface sediments and modern concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) at the sea surface suggests that F. profunda percentages can be used to track past productivity changes in the EMED. Prior to S5 deposition, an...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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