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Biomass flows and defoliation patterns of alexandergrass pasture grazed by beef heifers, receiving or not protein salt Animal Sciences
Eloy, Lidiane Raquel; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Pötter, Luciana; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Salvador, Paulo Roberto; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Stivanin, Sheila Cristina Bosco; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Hampel, Viviane da Silva; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.
The experiment aimed at evaluating leaf biomass flow, intensity and frequency of defoliation of Alexandergrass (Urochloa plantaginea (Link) Hitch) by beef heifers exclusively on pasture or that grazed and received protein salt. A completely randomized experimental design was used with repeated measures over time, two treatments and two area replications, with three Angus test heifers by paddock. Leaf blade intake flow is 18% superior for heifers exclusively on pasture. Grazing intensity (59.8%) is similar when heifers receive protein salt or not. Heifers receiving protein salt reduce by one day the defoliation frequency of tillers. The supply of protein salt for beef heifers grazing Alexandergrass affects the herbivore-plant relationship, decreasing intake...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Defoliation frequency; Defoliation intensity; Morphogenesis; Urochloa plantaginea.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Ingestive behavior of hoggets given different types of supplement on ryegrass pasture Animal Sciences
Stivanin, Sheila Cristina Bosco; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Pötter, Luciana; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Hampel, Viviane da Silva; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Oliveira, Renata Aqel de; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Bergoli, Tuani Lopes; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.
The ingestive behavior of hoggets was assessed under intermittent grazing method with three days of paddock occupation. These animals remained exclusively on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) pasture or on ryegrass pasture and receiving 1.2% of DM in relation to body weight of rice paddy, corn grain or whole rice bran as a supplement during the vegetative, pre-flowering and flowering phenological stages of ryegrass. The experimental design was a randomized split-split plots wherein the types of supplement were considered as main plot, phenological stages as subplot and the days of occupation as sub-subplots. The hoggets grazed for a longer time when kept exclusively on ryegrass pasture. The hoggets grazed for less time in the vegetative stage of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rice bran; Rice grain; Corn grain; Bite rate; Grazing time.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Tiller dynamics of ryegrass managed under two stocking rates Animal Sciences
Stivanin, Sheila Cristina Bosco; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Pötter, Luciana; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Hampel, Viviane da Silva; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Alves, Marcos Bernardino; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Salvador, Paulo Roberto; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.
This study investigated the tiller dynamics of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) under low and high stocking rates. These rates were determined by heifers exclusively on pasture or grazing and supplemented with oats and corn grain. The experimental design was completely randomized with repeated measurements over time, with two stocking rates, three and six replications of area for low and high stocking rates, respectively. The appearance rate (1.0 tillers tiller-1 m-2), survival rate (0.8 tillers tiller-1 m-2), population stability index (1.6) and site occupation (0.3) were similar for high and low stocking rates. The tiller density was similar for different stocking rates. The first generation of tillers was 56% of the tiller population at end of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Population stability index; Site occupation; Tiller survival; Tiller appearance rate.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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