Kazanidis, Georgios; Orejas, Covadonga; Borja, Angel; Kenchington, Ellen; Henry, Lea-anne; Callery, Oisín; Carreiro-silva, Marina; Egilsdottir, Hronn; Giacomello, Eva; Grehan, Anthony; Menot, Lenaick; Morato, Telmo; Ragnarsson, Stefán Áki; Rueda, José Luis; Stirling, David; Stratmann, Tanja; Van Oevelen, Dick; Palialexis, Andreas; Johnson, David; Roberts, J Murray. |
The deep sea is the largest biome on Earth but the least explored. Our knowledge of it comes from scattered sources spanning different spatial and temporal scales. Implementation of marine policies like the European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and support for Blue Growth in the deep sea are therefore hindered by lack of data. Integrated assessments of environmental status require tools to work with different and disaggregated datasets (e.g. density of deep-sea habitat-forming species, body-size distribution of commercial fishes, intensity of bottom trawling) across spatial and temporal scales. A feasibility study was conducted as part of the four-year ATLAS project to assess the effectiveness of the open-access Nested Environmental... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Deep-sea environmental status; Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems; Indicators; Baselines; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; NEAT. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00651/76276/77241.pdf |
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Douarin, Melanie; Elliot, Mary; Noble, Stephen R.; Sinclair, Daniel; Henry, Lea-anne; Long, David; Moreton, Steven G.; Roberts, J. Murray. |
We investigated the Holocene growth history of the Mingulay Reef Complex, a seascape of inshore cold-water coral reefs off western Scotland, using U-series and radiocarbon dating methods. Both chronologies revealed episodic occurrences of the reef framework-forming scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa during the late Holocene. Downcore U-series dating revealed unprecedented reef growth rates of up to 12 mm a(-1) with a mean rate of 3-4 mm a(-1). Our study highlighted a persistent hiatus in coral occurrence from 1.4 ka to modern times despite present day conditions being conducive for coral growth. The growth history of the complex was punctuated at least twice by periods of reduced growth rates: 1.75-2.8 ka, 3.2-3.6 ka and to a lesser extent at 3.8-4 ka... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: NE Atlantic; Holocene; Lophelia pertusa; Cold-water coral reef. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00181/29224/82432.pdf |
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Puerta, Patricia; Johnson, Clare; Carreiro-silva, Marina; Henry, Lea-anne; Kenchington, Ellen; Morato, Telmo; Kazanidis, Georgios; Luis Rueda, Jose; Urra, Javier; Ross, Steve; Wei, Chih-lin; Manuel Gonzalez-irusta, Jose; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Orejas, Covadonga. |
Circulation patterns in the North Atlantic Ocean have changed and re-organized multiple times over millions of years, influencing the biodiversity, distribution, and connectivity patterns of deep-sea species and ecosystems. In this study, we review the effects of the water mass properties (temperature, salinity, food supply, carbonate chemistry, and oxygen) on deep-sea benthic megafauna (from species to community level) and discussed in future scenarios of climate change. We focus on the key oceanic controls on deep-sea megafauna biodiversity and biogeography patterns. We place particular attention on cold-water corals and sponges, as these are ecosystem-engineering organisms that constitute vulnerable marine ecosystems (VME) with high associated... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: North Atlantic; Deep-sea; Biodiversity; Biogeography; Water masses; Vulnerable marine ecosystems. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00628/74006/73330.pdf |
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Morato, Telmo; Pham, Christopher K.; Fauconnet, Laurence; Taranto, Gerald H.; Chimienti, Giovanni; Cordes, Erik; Dominguez-carrio, Carlos; Munoz, Pablo Duran; Egilsdottir, Hronn; Gonzalez-irusta, Jose-manuel; Grehan, Anthony; Hebbeln, Dierk; Henry, Lea-anne; Kazanidis, Georgios; Kenchington, Ellen; Menot, Lenaick; Molodtsova, Tina N.; Orejas, Covadonga; Ramiro-sanchez, Berta; Ramos, Manuela; Roberts, J. Murray; Rodrigues, Luis; Ross, Steve W.; Rueda, Jose L.; Sacau, Mar; Stirling, David; Carreiro-silva, Marina. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Deep-sea; Deep-sea fisheries; Marine protected areas; Area-based management tools; Sponges; Cold-water corals; Vulnerable marine ecosystems; Ecologically or biologically significant marine areas. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00689/80109/83167.pdf |
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