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Obstacles to Rural Residents' Consumption in China and the Countermeasures AgEcon
Huang, Yi.
On the basis of relevant statistical data, this paper analyzes the obstacles to rural residents' consumption in China as follows, the consumption structure is restricted critically; the consumption environment cannot meet the need of social development; the traditional consumption concept has not yet been changed; the social security system is not sound; the support of rural finance is short. Pointed countermeasures for eliminating the obstacles to rural residents' consumption are put forward as follows: first, adopt effective measures to elevate the level of farmers' income; second, strengthen the credit support of rural finance; third, quicken the pace of modernized development in rural areas; fourth, construct perfect rural social security system.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural residents; Consumption; Obstacles; Countermeasures; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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