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A new Puccinellia-species 16
Jansen, P..
Among a set of duplicates of Puccinellia, which I received through the courtesy of Dr C. Blom (Goteborg, Sweden), I found the following new species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1945 URL:
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Book reviews 16
Donk, M.A.; Jansen, P.; Wit, H.C.D. de.
This is, I believe, the most important single contribution in the field of Hymenomycetes for years. The author was attracted to the group commonly known as Clavariaceae as early as 1925 when in England; he continued his studies when working on the staff at the Singapore Botanic Gardens and after his return to England. He got the conviction that before science could undertake a wholesale revision of the present classification of Hymenomycetes, the larger constituent groups should be worked over, one at a time, and ‘their particular kind of fruit-body described in terms of hyphal properties’, and that to omit the tropical element would mean certain failure. Thus, the aims of this admirable volume become clear: a large number of species of “Clavariaceae“ are...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Book reviews 16
Jansen, P.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van.
This important book, written by C.A. Gardner after 30 years of field study and several years of preparation, deals with 420 species of grasses of which over a hundred have been provided with a plate, by which the habit and important details are shown. Especially the drawings of various parts of the spikelets are very skilful, instructive, and of the utmost importance for students of critical genera. There is an introductory part giving a general survey of the grass vegetation of W. Australia. It is a revelation to see that so many introduced and naturalised species had to be included; this striking invasion of 132 species affects a great change in the original vegetation.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1953 URL:
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Eragrostis Henrardii, nov. spec 16
Jansen, P..
Perennis, innovationibus extravaginalibus. Caulis usque ad 80 cm altus, erectus vel nodo infimo radicans et geniculato-adscendens, usque ad apicem paniculae pilosus, pilis albis, usque ad 3 mm longis, e tuberculis emergentibus. Vaginae arcte appressae, internodiis breviores, hispidae, pilis e tuberculis emergentibus, albis, usque ad 4 mm longis, marginibus oris vaginarum stellato-patentibus. Ligula verticilla pilorum consistens. Folia caulina subtus ad basin pilis e tuberculis emergentibus munita, ceterum glabra ut supra; folia infima 2—3 dm longa, complicata vel plana et usque ad 4 mm lata, nervis tenuioribus ac crassioribus alternantibus, folia innovationum omnia angusta, complicata et apicem versus convoluta. Panicula erecta, pyramidalis, per anthesin...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1946 URL:
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Two new species of Eriachne 16
Jansen, P..
Among a set of duplicates of Eriachne, which 1 received through the courtesy of Dr. LAIDLAW (Nat. Herb. of Victoria), I found the following new species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1930 URL:
Registros recuperados: 5
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