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The sedimentary deposits of the tiki basin (south-east pacific) passage from carbonate oozes to "metalliferous sediments" ArchiMer
Hoffert, Michel; Karpoff, Anne Marie; Schaaf, André; Pautot, Guy.
A sedimentological, mineralogial and geochemical study was made on surface sediment samples associated with nodules in the Tiki Basin (Central South Pacific). The aim of this study was to find variations in the sediment composition with respect to bathymetry and to thus show a relationship between nodule formation and sedimentation. It is now well known that nodules rich, from an economical point of view, are located in this area at a depth more than 4100 meters. The progressive transformation of a carbonate ooze rich in Foraminifera and poor in siliceous biogenic material into a metalifferous sediment has been shown. The CaCO(3), dissolution involves Fe and Mn enrichment of the sediment. The content of these elements becomes stable and independant of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Tiki Basin (South-central Pacific); relationships between nodule composition and distribution and ocean floor topography ArchiMer
Pautot, Guy; Hoffert, Michel; Karpoff, Anne Marie; Schaaf, André.
The Tiki basin is in the south central Pacific, south of the Marquesas Islands and east of the Tuamotu archipelago. It is bounded nothwards by the Marquesas Fracture Zone and divided in two parts by the topographic heights cunstituting the end to the Tuamotu Fracture Zone. One hundred stations with nodule sampling were occupied by the Group CNEXO-SLN in this area (scale 1O X 10 degrees). The nodule abundance at each station is determined from the weight of nodules brought back by free fall grabs. Chemical analysis were made on each sample (three by station) and the values presented here are the mean values. The parameters : abundance, Ni grade, Cu grade and Mn grade are compared with water depth and topographic features of the area. The main results are :...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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