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Evolution spatio-temporelle des indices d'abondance d'assemblages (ichtyauphones) benthiques. Applications aux campagnes océanographiques dans la zone économique exclusive mauritanienne. OceanDocs
Kide, Saikou Oumar.
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Ichthyofauna; Benthic fauna; Oceanographic surveys; Exclusive economic zone; Spatial distribution; Benthic environment; Exclusive economic zones; Oceanography.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Fitting the truncated negative binomial distribution to count data A comparison of estimators, with an application to groundfishes from the Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone ArchiMer
Mante, Claude; Kide, Saikou Oumar; Yao-lafourcade, Anne-francoise; Merigot, Bastien.
Modeling empirical distributions of repeated counts with parametric probability distributions is a frequent problem when studying species abundance. One must choose a family of distributions which is flexible enough to take into account very diverse patterns and possess parameters with clear biological/ecological interpretations. The negative binomial distribution fulfills these criteria and was selected for modeling counts of marine fish and invertebrates. This distribution depends on a vector of parameters, and ranges from the Poisson distribution (when ) to Fisher's log-series, when . Moreover, these parameters have biological/ecological interpretations which are detailed in the literature and in this study. We compared three estimators of K, and the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Birth-and-dead models; Habitat; Log-series; Minimum Hellinger distance; Negative binomial; Species abundance.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Exploited Groundfish Species Assemblages Faced to Environmental and Fishing Forcings: Insights from the Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone ArchiMer
Kide, Saikou Oumar; Mante, Claude; Dubroca, Laurent; Demarcq, Herve; Merigot, Bastien.
Environmental changes and human activities can have strong impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. This study investigates how, from a quantitative point of view, simultaneously both environmental and anthropogenic factors affect species composition and abundance of exploited groundfish assemblages (i.e. target and non-target species) at large spatio-temporal scales. We aim to investigate (1) the spatial and annual stability of groundfish assemblages, (2) relationships between these assemblages and structuring factors in order to better explain the dynamic of the assemblages’ structure. The Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (MEEZ) is of particular interest as it embeds a productive ecosystem due to upwelling, producing abundant and diverse...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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