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Histological analysis of pollen-pistil interactions in sour passion fruit plants (Passiflora edulis Sims) Biocell
Madureira,Hérika Chagas; Pereira,Telma Nair Santana; Cunha,Maura Da; Klein,Denise Espellet.
The success of sexual plant reproduction is directly influenced by specific interactions between the pollen and pistil. Light, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used to evaluate the steps of pollination in sour passion fruit plants (Passiflora edulis Sims). In the compatible interaction, pollen tubes grow through stigma projections towards the ovary. The pollen grain surface was found to be spheroidal and to consist of heteroreticulate exine with six colpi. Furthermore, analysis in vivo of pollen-pistil interactions indicated that stigmas of flowers 24 hours before anthesis are unable to discriminate compatible (genetically unrelated) and incompatible (genetically related) pollen grains. Taken together, these results provide...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Flower; Pollen tube; Pollination; Stigma.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Purification and characterization of beta-1, 3-glucanase from the secretion of Simira glaziovii colleters (Rubiaceae) BABT
Vieira,Felipe Almeida; Cunha,Maura da; Klein,Denise Espellet; Carvalho,André de Oliveira; Gomes,Valdirene Moreira.
In this study, beta-1,3-glucanase was isolated from Simira glaziovii secretion. The purification process was achieved by a combination of chromatographic methods and was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The purified enzyme presented an estimated molecular mass of 35 kDa. The optimum pH of enzyme was 5.2
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta-1; 3-glucanase PR protein chitinases secretory structure.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ultrastructure of secretory and senescence phase in colleters of Bathysa gymnocarpa and B. stipulata (Rubiaceae) Rev. Bras. Bot.
Miguel,Emilio de Castro; Klein,Denise Espellet; Oliveira,Marco Antonio de; Cunha,Maura da.
(Ultrastructure of secretory and senescence phase in colleters of Bathysa gymnocarpa and B. stipulata (Rubiaceae)). Colleters are secretory structures formed by a parenchymatic axis with vascular bundles, bound by a layer of secretory palisade-like epidermis. Some studies regarding the structure of colleters have focused on secretory cells structure, but not distinguished the secretory and senescent phases. Generally, in mucilage-secreting cells such as colleters, the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are involved in secretion production and transport. In these study, colleters structure of Bathysa gymnocarpa K. Schum. and B. stipulata (Vell.) C. Presl. (Rubiaceae) were determined in two phases: a secretory phase and a senescence one. Samples were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Light and electron microscopy; Plant cell ultrastructure; Programmed cell dead; Secretory structure.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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