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An empirical model to predict the lifetime of braided HMPE handling ropes under cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS) loading ArchiMer
Davies, Peter; Francois, M; Lacotte, Nicolas; Vu, Thanh Do; Durville, Damien.
Repeated bending over sheaves is one of the main causes of failure of synthetic fibre ropes used in marine operations. There are few published results available and even fewer models allowing lifetime to be estimated. A large new set of data from cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS) tests on 250 kN break load braided HMPE synthetic ropes is presented first, both tests to failure and interrupted tests followed by residual strength measurements. These data are analysed in order to propose an empirical lifetime model. This is identified using constant load tests, then evaluated for variable load sequences. A methodology to include rope lifetime prediction in handling system design is then discussed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fibre rope; Bending; Sheave; Abrasion; Fatigue.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Evaluating Mooring Line Test Procedures through the Application of a Round Robin Test Approach ArchiMer
Khalid, Faryal; Davies, Peter; Halswell, Peter; Lacotte, Nicolas; Thies, Philipp R.; Johanning, Lars.
Innovation in materials and test protocols, as well as physical and numerical investigations, is required to address the technical challenges arising due to the novel application of components from conventional industries to the marine renewable energy (MRE) industry. Synthetic fibre ropes, widely used for offshore station-keeping, have potential application in the MRE industry to reduce peak mooring line loads. This paper presents the results of a physical characterisation study of a novel hybrid polyester-polyolefin rope for MRE mooring applications through a round robin testing (RRT) approach at two test facilities. The RRT was performed using standard guidelines for offshore mooring lines and the results are verified through the numerical modelling of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Synthetic fibre ropes; Testing infrastructure; Round robin testing; Rope modelling; Mooring components; Marine renewable energy.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Ecologie, répartition en Bretagne et en France, nuisances et moyens de lutte sur le site atelier du port de Vannes ArchiMer
Camus, Patrick; Compere, Chantal; Blanchet, Aline; Dimeet, Joel; Hamon, Dominique; Lacotte, Nicolas; Peleau, Michel; Lassalle, Elisabeth.
This study [...] was carried out from June 1998 to January 2000 and enabled the assessment of the scientific knowledge on the biology, ecology and distribution of the Annelida Polychaeta sedentaria: Ficopomatus enigmaticus. [...] In order to better determine the characteristics of this species' environment and development cycle, a study was conducted in the worksite of the marina of Vannes. This study, mostly biological, was completed by a technological study on the fighting techniques (antifouling paints) used against the damage made by this worm on the boat hulls. In addition, this document presents some recommendations to follow in order to limit, or stop, the development of this "pollution".
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marina harbours; Disturbance; Colonization; Ficopomatus enigmaticus; Port de plaisance; Pertubation; Colonisation; Ficopomatus enigmaticus.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Long-Term Mechanical Behavior of Aramid Fibers in Seawater ArchiMer
Derombise, Guillaume; Chailleux, Emmanuel; Forest, Bertrand; Riou, Luc; Lacotte, Nicolas; Van Schoors, L. Vouyovitch; Davies, Peter.
Aramid fibers are today proposed in ropes and cables for marine applications. As these highly crystalline materials are loaded in tension for a longer period in seawater, their long-term mechanical behavior has to be understood. However, the response is time-dependent and exhibits a nonlinear effect with stress. In this study, two types of aramid fibers are studied: Twaron and Technora. Mechanical properties are measured using static tensile tests and creep-recovery tests. A nonlinear viscoelastic-viscoplastic model, based on the Schapery formulation, allows discriminating between the instantaneous and the time-dependent response as well as the reversible and nonreversible phenomena (plasticity). First, this procedure allows the overall mechanical behavior...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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