Registros recuperados: 27 | |
Le Danois, Edouard. |
The impoverishment of the fishing grounds is an issue which has been raised by biologists for several years. They indeed worried about the development of fishing both because of the increasing number of fishing boats and of the improvement of the fishing gear. This problem gave way to the creation of the International Council for the Exploitation of Oceans in 1897, when the delegates of the neighbouring nations of the North Sea gathered to consider the possible consequences of the spreading of steam trawling. Thanks to a remarkable scientific methodology, some studies have been carried out on the different aspects of the problem and our knowledge, following 30 years of intensive research, has been strongly increased: they are the result of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. |
Ano: 1931 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1931/publication-5898.pdf |
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Le Danois, Edouard. |
L'histoire de la découverte de l'Océan Atlantique est parallèle à l'histoire de la civilisation. Elle sort des légendes et des traditions confuses pour entrer dans les données précises des géographes; puis plus tard, au XIXè siècle, créateur des sciences exactes, la découverte géographique fait place à des recherches qui permettent d'étudier la nature même de l'Océan qui, jusque-là, n'avait servi que de chemin aux navigateurs, découvreurs de terres. C'est l'aurore de l'Océanographie ; un monde sous-marin se révèle aux savants étonnés par l'étrange multiplicité des formes abyssales. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1938 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00034/14492/11793.pdf |
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Le Danois, Edouard; Heldt, H. |
En 1918, pour la première fois, un chalutier boulonnais rapporta da hareng pris sur le fond dans les parages des Smalls à l'entrée sud de la mer d'Irlande. Son exemple fut suivi et bientôt le hareng de chalut vint concurrencer sur notre marché celui de filet. L'abondance des captures fut parfois telle que l'on put craindre un moment pour l'avenir du métier dérivant; mais, aux heures de crise l'industrie harenguière trouva son salut dans les apports des chalutiers. C'est ainsi qu'en 1921, alors que le hareng des mers du nord était exceptionnellement rare et de qualité inférieure, trente-trois bateaux venant des pêcheries des Smalls débarquèrent à Boulogne, en moins de cinq mois, près de cinq millions de kilogrammes d'un hareng excellent. L'importance de... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1924 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00016/12741/9673.pdf |
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Le Danois, Edouard; Beaugé,; Belloc,; Boury, M.; Desbrosses, Pierre; Fage, Louis; Le Gall,; Lambert,; Remy, Daniel; Schvinte, Jean. |
Fumage, salage et conserves, Traitement des sous-produits, Frigorification, Traitement des algues marines. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1936 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00022/13315/10363.pdf |
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Le Danois, Edouard. |
In the teaching of oceanography, the Gulf Stream theory is a dogma. Our children grow up with the history of this famous current; their eyes are obsessed by some beautiful coloured maps on which dark blue lines show, without any doubt, the itinerary of this marine river. Any traveller, captain, fisherman, passenger has seen the Gulf Stream with his own eyes. The entire western European coast owes its mild temperature to the warm waters sent by the Gulf of Mexico. I felt regretful the day I started doubting the existence, in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, of the branches of this beneficial current. Five years at the Roscoff Laboratory, an area especially privileged, had sparked my scepticism. Two polar cruises with Captain Charcot to the Jan Mayen Land,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. |
Ano: 1934 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1934/publication-5710.pdf |
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Le Danois, Edouard. |
During the last Marine Fisheries Congress, held in Paris in 1931, I had the chance to explain, in front of the audience, the issue of the impoverishment of the fishing grounds. This issue was far from being new to the biologists and even to the professionals, but it was, at the time, particularly true: WWI had indeed enabled a repopulation of the fishing grounds usually frequented by fishermen from different nations, and the period which followed, from 1919 to 1925, had been particularly productive thanks to the abundance of fishes and especially large fishes. [...] |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. |
Ano: 1938 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1938/publication-5768.pdf |
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Le Danois, Edouard. |
TABLE DES MATIÈRES PREMIÈRE PARTIE. - CLASSIFICATION ET PHYLOGENIE LES BRANCHIOSTOMES LES CYCLOSTOMES LES OSTRACODERMES LES PLACIOSTOMES Placodermes Holocéphales Acanthodés Cladoselaciens Pleuracanthes Squaloïdes Batoïdes LES TÉLÉOSTOMES Crossoptérygiens Dipneustes Actinoptérygiens Chondrostéens Holostéens Téléostéens Téléostéens abdominaux Ostariophysaires Phthinobranches Malacoptérygiens Apodes Isoptérygiens Oxymalacoptères... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1939/publication-3373.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 27 | |