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Dynamic impacts of a financial reform of the CAP on regional land use, income and overall growth 31
Jansson, Torbjorn; Bakker, Martha M.; Le Mouel, P.; Schirmann-Duclos, D.; Verhoog, A. David; Verkerk, P.J..
In this paper we investigate the impacts of abolishing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the post-2013 European Union (EU) financial perspective and the impacts of re-investing the released funds on research and development (R&D). We apply a linked system of models to analyze the impacts for the EU member states. The linked system consists of five land-use sector models (agriculture, forestry, urban area, tourism and transport infrastructure), which are connected to a macro-econometric model. Additionally, a land cover model is used to disaggregate land use countries to a 1 km² grid. Three scenarios are analysed. In the “baseline” currently decided policies are assumed to be continued until 2025. In the “tax rebate” scenario agricultural support...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP reform; Economical growth; Land use; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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