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Accumulation of phosphorus fractions and contamination potential in vineyard soils in the southern region of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil 90
Schmitt,Djalma Eugênio; Comin,Jucinei José; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Gatiboni,Luciano Colpo; Tiecher,Tales; Lorensini,Felipe; Heinzen,Janaina; Ambrosini,Vítor Gabriel; Moraes,Marcel Pires de; Brunetto,Gustavo.
In vineyards, if phosphate is applied both before planting and at intervals during growth without consideration of technical criteria, the soil P fractions may be increased and their proportions altered. This study was carried out to evaluate the accumulation of P fractions and the parameters of the adsorption isotherm in a sandy Typic Hapludalf soil in vineyards with a history of successive and excessive phosphate fertilization. In December 2010, two vineyards were selected, one 4 and the other 15 years old, in Urussanga, State of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Three trenches were dug in each area and soil was collected from the 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm depth ranges. The soil samples were dried in a forced-air oven, sieved and subjected to chemical analyses, P...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phosphate fertilization; Phosphorus chemical fractionation; Phosphorus adsorption isotherms; Environmental contamination; Vitis sp.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Acúmulo e formas de cobre e zinco no solo após aplicações sucessivas de dejeto líquido de suínos 90
Girotto,Eduardo; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Brunetto,Gustavo; Santos,Danilo Rheinheimer dos; Silva,Leandro Souza da; Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Lorensini,Felipe; Vieira,Renan Costa Beber; Schmatz,Roberta.
As aplicações sucessivas de dejeto líquido de suínos no solo podem aumentar os teores e alterar as formas de Cu e Zn no solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar o acúmulo de Cu e Zn e suas formas em solo submetido a aplicações sucessivas de dejeto líquido de suínos, em sistema plantio direto com rotação de culturas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (RS). Os tratamentos consistiram na aplicação de 0, 20, 40 e 80 m³ ha-1 de dejeto líquido de suínos. Foram realizadas 17 aplicações de dejetos de maio de 2000 até o momento da coleta do solo, em outubro de 2006. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas de 0-2,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elementos-traço; Fracionamento químico; Contaminação ambiental; Biodisponibilidade.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Available content, surface runoff and leaching of phosphorus forms in a typic hapludalf treated with organic and mineral nutrient sources 90
Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Cerini,Jackson Berticelli; Ferreira,Paulo Ademar Avelar; Lorensini,Felipe; Girotto,Eduardo; Tiecher,Tadeu Luis; Schapanski,Dênis Eduardo; Brunetto,Gustavo.
The application of animal manure to soil can increase phosphorus availability to plants and enhance transfer of the nutrient solution drained from the soil surface or leached into the soil profile. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of successive applications of organic and mineral nutrient sources on the available content, surface runoff and leaching of P forms in a Typic Hapludalf in no-tillage systems. Experiment 1 was set up in 2004 in the experimental area of UFSM, in Santa Maria (RS, Brazil). The treatments consisted of: control (without nutrient application) and application of pig slurry (PS), pig deep-litter (PL), cattle slurry (CS), and mineral fertilizers (NPK). The rates were determined to meet the N crop requirements of no-tillage...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic waste; Nutrient release; Environmental contamination; No-tillage system.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Crop response to organic fertilization with supplementary mineral nitrogen 90
Ciancio,Nathalia Riveros; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Ferreira,Paulo Ademar Avelar; Trentin,Gustavo; Lorensini,Felipe; Tiecher,Tadeu Luis; De Conti,Lessandro; Girotto,Eduardo; Brunetto,Gustavo.
Animal manure is applied to the soil as a nutrient source, especially of nitrogen, to plants. However, manure application rates can be reduced with the use of N fertilizer in topdressing. The aim of this study was to evaluate crop responses to different application rates of animal manure sources, used alone and supplemented with mineral N topdressing, in a no-tillage system. The study was carried out from 2005 to 2008 on a Hapludalf soil. The treatments consisted of rates of 10, 20 and 30 m³ ha-1 of pig slurry (PS), and of 1 and 2 t ha-1 of turkey manure (TM), applied alone and supplemented with topdressed N fertilizer (TNF), as well as two controls, mineral fertilization (NPK) and one control without fertilizer application. Grain yield in common bean and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal manure; Crop rotation; No-tillage cropping system.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Effects of Pig Slurry Application and Crops on Phosphorus Content in Soil and the Chemical Species in Solution 90
De Conti,Lessandro; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Ferreira,Paulo Ademar Avelar; Lorensini,Felipe; Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Vidal,Renan Fagan; Tassinari,Adriele; Brunetto,Gustavo.
The application of pig slurry rates and plant cultivation can modify the soil phosphorus (P) content and distribution of chemical species in solution. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the total P, available P and P in solution, and the distribution of chemical P species in solution, in a soil under longstanding pig slurry applications and crop cultivation. The study was carried out in soil columns with undisturbed structure, collected in an experiment conducted for eight years in the experimental unit of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria (RS). The soil was an Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico (Typic Hapludalf), subjected to applications of 0, 20, 40, and 80 m3 ha-1 pig slurry. Soil samples were collected from the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic wastes; Soil solution; Chemical speciation; Visual Minteq.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Frações de fósforo no solo após sucessivas aplicações de dejetos de suínos em plantio direto 86
Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Lorensini,Felipe; Brunetto,Gustavo; Girotto,Eduardo; Gatiboni,Luciano Colpo; Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Tiecher,Tadeu Luis; De Conti,Lessandro; Trentin,Gustavo; Miotto,Alcione.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar as frações de acumulação de fósforo em solo submetido a sucessivas aplicações de dejetos líquidos de suínos (DLS) em sistema de plantio direto. Em Santa Maria, RS, doses de 0, 20, 40 e 80 m³ ha-1 de DLS foram distribuídas a lanço por sete anos agrícolas, antes do plantio de cada cultivo de inverno ou verão, em Argissolo Vermelho arenoso, totalizando 0, 584, 1.168 e 2.336 kg ha-1 de P aplicado via dejetos. O solo foi coletado nas camadas 0-2, 4-6, 8-10, 14-16 e 20-25 cm, e submetido ao fracionamento químico de P. A adição do DLS ao solo durante sete anos aumentou o teor de P até 25 cm de profundidade, principalmente nas frações inorgânicas extraídas por resina trocadora de ânions, NaHCO3 0,5 mol L-1 e NaOH 0,1 mol...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Esterco de suínos; Fracionamento de fósforo; Fósforo lábil; Fósforo orgânico; Risco de eutrofização; Sistema de cultivo.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Fruit yield and composition in orange trees cv. 'Lane Late' in response to nitrogen fertilization in Sandy Typic Hapludalf soil 65
Brunetto,Gustavo; Cella,Cesar; Miotto,Alcione; Girotto,Eduardo; Lorensini,Felipe; Brackmann,Auri; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Schorr,Márcio Renan Weber; Both,Vanderlei; Ambrosini,Vítor Gabriel.
ABSTRACT: Little is known about the impact of N fertilization on fruit production and composition in orange groves grown in soils with low or medium organic matter content in Rio Grande do Sul (RS). This study aimed to evaluate how N fertilization of orange trees cv. 'Lane Late' in a sandy soil may interfere in fruit yield and composition of fruit and juice. The experiment was conducted with orange trees cv. 'Lane Late' growing in Sandy Typic Hapludalf soil, in Rosário do Sul (RS). The plants received applications of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160kg N ha-1. Total N in leaves, number of fruits per plant, yield, fresh weight, fruit diameter, peel thickness, percentage of fruit juice, peel color, juice color, ascorbic acid content, total soluble...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nitrogen; Leaf analysis; Fruit quality; Citrus sinensis L.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Liberação do N em solos de diferentes texturas com ou sem adubos orgânicos 65
Fioreze,Claudio; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Giacomini,Sandro José; Trentin,Gustavo; Lorensini,Felipe.
A liberação do N em um solo sob adubação orgânica é afetada por vários fatores como a quantidade e as características do resíduo adicionado, as condições climáticas e o tipo de solo, dentre outros. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a eficiência da cama de aves de corte e do dejeto líquido de suínos em três solos de diferentes texturas. Foram incubados os solos franco-arenoso (238g argila kg-1), argilo-siltoso (470g argila kg-1) e muito-argiloso (605g argila kg-1), aos quais se adicionou ou não a cama de aves e o dejeto líquido de suínos. Foi determinada a progressão de N-NH4+ e N-NO3- aos 0, 7, 14, 28, 56 e 112 dias de incubação e calculou-se a taxa de mineralização líquida e as porcentagens de N disponível e de N mineral líquido em relação ao N total e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Eficiência da adubação; N disponível; Dejeto líquido suíno; Cama de aves.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Lixiviação e volatilização de nitrogênio em um Argissolo cultivado com videira submetida à adubação nitrogenada 65
Lorensini,Felipe; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Girotto,Eduardo; Cerini,Jackson Berticelli; Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; De Conti,Lessandro; Trindade,Mateus Moreira; Melo,George Wellington de; Brunetto,Gustavo.
O nitrogênio (N) aplicado na superfície do solo em vinhedos pode ser perdido por volatilização ou lixiviação, sendo uma das possíveis explicações para o baixo aproveitamento de N pelas videiras. O trabalho objetivou avaliar as perdas de N por volatilização e lixiviação do N mineral em solo cultivado com videira submetida à adubação nitrogenada. Foram instalados dois experimentos em um vinhedo de Cabernet Sauvignon, em Rosário do Sul (RS), Brasil. No experimento 1, foram instalados lisímetros no solo que recebeu a aplicação de 0, 40, 80 e 120kg de N ha-1 ano-1 na forma de ureia e, durante o período de agosto a dezembro de 2009, foi coletada a solução do solo para a análise de N mineral. No experimento 2, foram instaladas câmaras coletoras no solo que...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nitrogênio; Nitrato; Amônia; Vitis vinifera.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mineralization and efficiency index of nitrogen in cattle manure fertilizers on the soil 65
Eckhardt,Daniel Pazzini; Redin,Marciel; Jacques,Rodrigo Josemar Seminoti; Lorensini,Felipe; Santos,Marcos Leandro dos; Weiler,Douglas Adams; Antoniolli,Zaida Inês.
ABSTRACT: This research aimed to evaluate the mineralization of nitrogen (N) and to define the efficiency index (EI) of N after the addition of organic fertilizers based on cattle manure on the soil under laboratory conditions. A completely randomized statistical design with four replicates was used. The treatments were set as follows: T1) Soil (control); T2) Soil + vermicompost of cattle manure (CMV); T3) Soil + cattle manure and straw compost (CMS); and T4) Soil + cattle manure (CM). Experimental units were constituted by acrylic flasks with 5 x 5cm (height x diameter). Each flask was added with 135g of wet soil and 2.20, 2.45 and 2.27g of CMV, CMS and CM, respectively. Treatments were incubated at 25°C and the amount of mineral N from the soil (N-NH4+...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vermicompost; Organic fertilizer; Cattle manure; Composting.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Nutrients in soil layers under no-tillage after successive pig slurry applications 90
Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Silva,Leandro Souza da; Girotto,Eduardo; Lorensini,Felipe; Tiecher,Tadeu Luis; De Conti,Lessandro; Trentin,Gustavo; Brunetto,Gustavo.
Successive applications of pig slurry to soils under no-tillage can increase the nutrient levels in the uppermost soil layers and part of the nutrients may be transferred to deeper layers. The objective was to evaluate the distribution of nutrients in the profile of a soil after 19 pig slurry applications under no-tillage for 93 months. The experiment was conducted from May 2000 to January 2008 in an experimental area of the Federal University of Santa Maria, southern Brazil, on a Typic Hapludalf. The treatments consisted of pig slurry applications (0, 20, 40 and 80 m³ ha-1) and at the end of the experiment, soil samples were collected (layers 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-20, 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, 40-50 and 50-60 cm). The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic fertilization; Nutrient migration; Environmental contamination.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Phosphorus fractions in sandy soils of vineyards in southern Brazil 90
Schmitt,Djalma Eugênio; Comin,Jucinei José; Gatiboni,Luciano Colpo; Tiecher,Tales; Lorensini,Felipe; Melo,George Wellington Bastos de; Girotto,Eduardo; Guardini,Renato; Heinzen,Janaína; Brunetto,Gustavo.
Phosphorus (P) applications to vineyards can cause P accumulation in the soil and maximize pollution risks. This study was carried out to quantify the accumulation of P fractions in sandy soils of vineyards in southern Brazil. Soil samples (layers 0-5, 6-10 and 11-20 cm) were collected from a native grassland area and two vineyards, after 14 years (vineyard 1) and 30 years (vineyard 2) of cultivation, in Santana do Livramento, southern Brazil, and subjected to chemical fractionation of P. Phosphorus application, especially to the 30-year-old vineyard 2, increased the inorganic P content down to a depth of 20 cm, mainly in the labile fractions extracted by anion-exchange resin and NaHCO3, in the moderately labile fraction extracted by 0.1 and 0.5 mol L-1...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phosphate fertilization; Eutrophication; Vineyards.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Phosphorus fractions in the vineyard soil of the Serra Gaúcha of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 91
Schmitt,Djalma E.; Gatiboni,Luciano C.; Girotto,Eduardo; Lorensini,Felipe; Melo,George W. B.; Brunetto,Gustavo.
The study aimed to evaluate the accumulation of P fractions in a vineyard soil profile with successive applications of phosphate fertilizers. In January 2010 an area was selected of native forest and a vineyard at age 33 with a history of phosphate fertilizer application, in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul state. Soil samples were collected from 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm layers, prepared and submitted to chemical fractionation of P. The excessive application of phosphate fertilizers during 33 years in the vineyard soil increased the levels of organic and inorganic P until the 20 cm layer in all P fractions. The highest levels of P in the vineyard soil were found mainly in the labile fractions extracted with anion exchange resin and NaHCO3, which indicates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phosphorus fertilization; Environmental contamination; Vitis vinifera.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Soil chemical properties related to acidity under successive pig slurry application 90
Lourenzi,Cledimar Rogério; Ceretta,Carlos Alberto; Silva,Leandro Souza da; Trentin,Gustavo; Girotto,Eduardo; Lorensini,Felipe; Tiecher,Tadeu Luis; Brunetto,Gustavo.
Pig slurry application as soil manure can alter the chemical properties of the soil and affect its acidity, modifying the environment for crop growth and development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical properties related to soil acidity subjected to successive applications of pig slurry. The experiment was conducted in May 2000, in an experimental area of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) under no-tillage and lasted until January 2008. Nineteen surface applications of 0, 20, 40, and 80 m³ ha-1 of pig slurry were performed, during a period of 100 months and the soil sampled in the end (layers 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-20, 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, 40-50 and 50-60 cm). The application of pig...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Water pH; Base saturation; Al saturation; Soil organic matter; Organic waste.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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