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Acremonium kiliense infection in a child with chronic granulomatous disease BJID
Pastorino,Antonio Carlos; Menezes,Ulissis Pádua de; Marques,Heloisa Helena de Souza; Vallada,Marcelo G.; Cappellozi,Vera Lúcia; Carnide,Eugénia Maria Grilo; Jacob,Cristina Miuki Abe.
Infection by unusual microorganisms can be one of the clinical manifestations of primary immunodeficiency (PID). We report on a four-month-old child with pneumonia caused by the fungus Acremonium kiliense as the first clinical manifestation of chronic granulomatous disease. We emphasize the importance of an active search for unusual organisms in immunodeficient patients, and a precise diagnosis and early institution of specific treatment against such microorganisms for the reduction of the morbidity and mortality of these patients.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Infancy; Immunodeficiency; Chronic granulomatous disease; Fungi; Acremonium.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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HIV-infected youths transitioning from pediatric to adult outpatient care in a teaching tertiary care hospital in São Paulo city, Brazil BJID
Freitas,Angela Carvalho; Avelino-Silva,Vivian Iida; Gutierrez,Eliana Battaggia; Marques,Heloisa Helena de Souza; Durigon,Giuliana Stravinskas; Segurado,Aluisio Cotrim.
ABSTRACT Background: HIV-infected children surviving until adulthood have been transitioning to adult outpatient health care service in Brazil since the late 2000's. Deterioration of clinical condition is expected during this period, as reported among youths with non-communicable chronic diseases. Despite their young age, they are long-term hosts of the virus, have prolonged exposure to antiretroviral therapy and have suffered from the social determinants and stigma of HIV infection since early childhood. Objectives: This study aimed to 1) describe demographic and clinical characteristics at the first appointment at adult care service following pediatric care of a cohort of Brazilian youths living with HIV since childhood; and 2) retrospectively address...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adolescent; Young adult; Pediatric HIV; Transition-to-care; Adult care.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Improving survival among Brazilian children with perinatally-acquired AIDS BJID
Matida,Luiza Harunari; Marcopito,Luiz Francisco; Succi,Regina Celia de Menezes; Marques,Heloisa Helena de Souza; Della Negra,Marinella; Grangeiro,Alexandre; Hearst,Norman.
Brazil was the first developing country to provide free, universal access to antiretroviral treatment for AIDS patients. The Brazilian experience thus provides the first evidence regarding the impact of such treatment on the survival of perinatally acquired AIDS cases in the developing world. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective cohort study used medical record reviews to examine characteristics and trends in the survival of a representative sample of 914 perinatally acquired AIDS cases in 10 Brazilian cities diagnosed between 1983 and 1998. RESULTS: Survival time increased steadily and substantially. Whereas half of the children died within 20 months of diagnosis at the beginning of the epidemic, 75% of children diagnosed in 1997 and 1998 were still...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Brazil; Human immunodeficiency virus; Pediatric; Perinatal transmission; Survival.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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