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Characterization and sensitivity to antibiotics of bacteria isolated from the lower respiratory tract of ventilated patients hospitalized in intensive care units BJID
Medell,Manuel; Medell,Mariana; Martínez,Alicia; Valdés,Rodolfo.
OBJECTIVE: This observational study described the characterization of bacteria isolated from the lower respiratory tract of ventilated patients hospitalized in intensive care units. The demonstration of isolated microorganism resistance to antibiotics and a time-trend analysis of infection comparing a 48-month period were also other objectives. METHOD: Semi-quantitative assays of 1254 samples taken from 741 ventilated patients were performed, while pathogens were identified using the Enterotube II assay and VITEK 2 Compact equipment. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics was assessed by the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method and time-trend analysis of infection was based on data recorded by hospital microbiology laboratories. RESULTS: The most prevalent...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anti-bacterial agents; Respiratory care units; Bronchopneumonia.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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