Planque, Benjamin; Mullon, Christian; Arneberg, Per; Eide, Arne; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Heymans, Johanna Jacomina; Hoel, Alf Håkon; Niiranen, Susa; Ottersen, Geir; Sandø, Anne Britt; Sommerkorn, Martin; Thébaud, Olivier; Thorvik, Thorbjørn. |
Anticipating future changes in marine social‐ecological systems (MSES) several decades into the future is essential in the context of accelerating global change. This is challenging in situations where actors do not share common understandings, practices, or visions about the future. We introduce a dedicated scenario method for the development of MSES scenarios in a participatory context. The objective is to allow different actors to jointly develop scenarios which contain their multiple visions of the future. The method starts from four perspectives: “fisheries management,” “ecosystem,” “ocean climate,” and “global context and governance” for which current status and recent trends are summarized. Contrasted scenarios about possible futures are elaborated... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Barents Sea; Future studies; Multiple perspectives; Participatory fisheries management; Storylines; Uncertainty. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00485/59621/62647.pdf |
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Durant, Joël M.; Molinero, Juan-carlos; Ottersen, Geir; Reygondeau, Gabriel; Stige, Leif Christian; Langangen, Øystein. |
In high-latitude marine environments, primary producers and their consumers show seasonal peaks of abundance in response to annual light cycle, water column stability and nutrient availability. Predatory species have adapted to this pattern by synchronising life-history events such as reproduction with prey availability. However, changing temperatures may pose unprecedented challenges by decoupling the predator-prey interactions. Here we build a predator-prey model accounting for the full life-cycle of fish and zooplankton including their phenology. The model assumes that fish production is bottom-up controlled by zooplankton prey abundance and match or mismatch between predator and prey phenology, and is parameterised based on empirical findings of how... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00588/70058/68001.pdf |
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Rong Utne, Kjell; Huse, Geir; Ottersen, Geir; Holst, Jens C.; Zabavnikov, Vladimir; Jacobsen, Jan A.; Óskarsson, Guđmundur J.; Nøttestad, Leif. |
The Norwegian Sea harbours several large pelagic fish stocks, which use the area for feeding during the summer. The period 1995–2006 had some of the highest biomass of pelagic fish feeding in the Norwegian Sea on record. Here we address the horizontal distribution and overlap between herring, blue whiting and mackerel in this period during the summers using a combination of acoustic, trawl and LIDAR data. A newly developed temperature atlas for the Norwegian Sea is used to present the horizontal fish distributions in relation to temperature. The centre of gravity of the herring distribution changed markedly several times during the investigated period. Blue whiting feeding habitat expanded in a northwestern direction until 2003, corresponding with an... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Herring; Mackerel; Blue whiting; Temperature; Competition; Interaction. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00079/19018/16602.pdf |
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