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A Bayesian framework to objectively combine metrics when developing stressor specific multimetric indicator ArchiMer
Drouineau, Hilaire; Lobry, Jeremy; Delpech, C.; Bouchoucha, Marc; Mahevas, Stephanie; Courrat, A.; Pasquaud, S.; Lepage, M..
In the context of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), monitoring programs and related indicators have been developed to assess anthropogenic impacts on various components of aquatic ecosystems. While great precautions are usually taken when selecting and calculating relevant core metrics, little attention is generally paid to the generation of the multimetric indicator, i.e. the combination of the different core metrics. Indeed, most multimetric indicators are generated by simply averaging or summing metrics, without taking into account their sensitivity and their variability. Moreover, few indicators provide a rigorous estimate of the uncertainty of the assessments, while this estimation is essential for managers. In this context, we developed a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multimetric fish-based indicator; Bayesian method; Pressure-impact models; Water Framework Directive; Anthropogenic pressure; Monitoring program; Transitional waters.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Sources of organic matter for flatfish juveniles in coastal and estuarine nursery grounds: A meta-analysis for the common sole (Solea solea) in contrasted systems of Western Europe ArchiMer
Le Pape, Olivier; Moderan, J.; Beaunee, G.; Riera, Pascal; Nicolas, Delphine; Savoye, N.; Harmelin-vivien, M.; Darnaude, A. M.; Brind'Amour, Anik; Le Bris, H.; Cabral, H.; Vinagre, C.; Pasquaud, S.; Franca, S.; Kostecki, Caroline.
Coastal and estuarine nursery grounds are essential habitats for sustaining flatfish stocks since only these shallow and productive areas provide the high food supply that allows maximizing juvenile growth and survival in most flatfish species. However, the main organic matter sources at the basis of benthic food webs might differ drastically between estuarine nursery grounds under strong freshwater influences, where food webs are mainly supported by continental organic matter, and coastal ecosystems under limited freshwater influence, where the local marine primary production is the main source of carbon for the benthos. To better understand the links between continental inputs to the coastal zone and stock maintenance in the highly prized common sole,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nursery ground; Flatfish; Organic matter origin; Stable isotopes; Mixing model SIAR.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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