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Active thrust faulting offshore Boumerdes, Algeria, and its relations to the 2003 Mw 6.9 earthquake - art. no. L043111 ArchiMer
Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles, K; Domzig, Anne; Mercier De Lepinay, B; Bouillin, J.p.; Gaullier, V; Bracene, R; Calais, E; Savoye, Bruno; Kherroubi, A; Le Roy, P; Pauc, H; Dan, Gabriela.
[1] We investigate the active seismogenic fault system in the area of the 2003 Mw 6.9 Boumerdes earthquake, Algeria, from a high-resolution swath bathymetry and seismic survey. A series of 5 main fault-propagation folds similar to20-35 km long leave prominent cumulative escarpments on the steep slope and in the deep basin. Fault activity creates Plio-Quaternary growth strata within uplifted areas such as a rollover basin on the slope and piggyback basins in the deep ocean. Most thrusts turn to fault-propagation folds at the sub-surface and depict ramp-flat trajectories. We find that the two main slip patches of the 2003 Mw 6.9 Boumerdes earthquake are spatially correlated to two segmented cumulative scarps recognized on the slope and at the foot of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Continental margin; Sismicity; Tectonophysics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Le néphéloïde benthique au large du Rhône. Transferts particulaires à l'interface continent-océan ArchiMer
Naudin, Jj; Cauwet, G; Leveau, M; Lochet, F; Pauc, H; Romano, Jc; Sempere, R.
Particulate matter from the bottom nepheloid layer, off the Rhone river mouth was sampled with a newly-designed frame code-named SYMPHY. Several spreading phases of the Rhodanian suspensions on the continental shelf were evidenced by currentmeter records, particulate matter analyses, CTD and nephelometric measurements. These data permitted the study of the mechanisms which control the aging of the suspensions during their transfer to a sea with very small amplitude tides. The bottom nepheloid layer can be defined as a vertical concentration gradient resulting from an equilibrium between the horizontal (Rhodanian inputs) and the vertical (surface nepheloid layer) components of the particulate flux. The variability of this equilibrium, controlled by...
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Matière organique et pollution par les hydrocarbures dans les sédiments superficiels du golfe d'Arzew (mer Méditerranée, Algérie) ArchiMer
Buscail, R; Foudil-bouras, Ae; Pauc, H.
The distribution of global organic parameters (organic carbon, nitrogen, hydrolyzable carbon) was established in surficial sediments of the Gulf of Arzew. Moreover, humic substances, humin and hydrocarbons have provided information on the organic matter origin and evolution in the identified sedimentary areas: prodeltas at the mouth of the dry rivers Cheliff and Macta; muddy mid-deposits and carbonated shallow environments. The higher organic matter concentrations characterize the muddy mid-deposits and especially the western part located near the Arzew and Bethioua harbours (TOC > 0.9 %; Nt = 0.35 % d.w.). The marine origin of the organic matter is supported by low C/N ratios (5-9) in the total sediments and the position in the Van Krevelen diagram of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sédiment; Matière organique; Substance humique; Hydrocarbure; Marge algérienne; Sediment; Organic matter; Humic substance; Hydrocarbon; Algerian margin.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Origine et rôle du néphéloïde profond dans le transfert des particules au milieu marin. Application au Golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Aloisi, Jc; Cambon, Jp; Carbonne, J; Cauwet, G; Millot, C; Monaco, A; Pauc, H.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1982 URL:
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