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Anatomical Study of the Digastric Muscle: Variations in the Anterior Belly International Journal of Morphology
Liquidate,Bianca Maria; Barros,Mirna Duarte; Alves,Adriana Leal; Pereira,Celina Siqueira Barbosa.
The digastric muscle is formed by two muscle bellies: one anterior and one posterior, joined by an intermediate tendon. It is localized in the anterior cervical region. The anterior belly divides the region between the hyoid bone and the mandible into two: laterally the submandibular triangle, and medially the submental triangle. The anatomical variations described in the literature relate to the anterior belly and consist of differences in shape and muscle attachment. This cross-sectional cohort study had the objective of describing anatomical variations in the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. The neck regions of 10 cadavers of male adults were dissected in the Department of Morphology, between June 2004 and June 2006. The digastric muscles that...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Neck muscles; Anatomy; Hyoid bone.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Cardia: at the End of the Day, what is it? International Journal of Morphology
Fregnani,José HumbertoTavares Guerreiro; Macea,José Rafael; Barros,Mirna Duarte; Liquidato,Bianca Maria; Macea,Maria Inez Marcondes; Alves,Adriana Leal; Pereira,Celina Siqueira Barbosa; Pinto,Antonio Cardoso; Carvalho,Maria de Fátima Pereira de; Carillo,Joáo.
There is no consensus about the precise definition of what the cardia is. Although this term is often utilized in the medical literature, it takes on a variety of meanings, depending on the context. For histologists and endoscopists, the cardia is a region of the stomach immediately below the gastroesophageal junction. However, the concepts of gastroesophageal junction used by histologists and endoscopists are not the same as used by anatomists. This junction is histologically defined as the abrupt transition from the nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium of the esophagus to simple columnar epithelium and corresponds to the endoscopically defined Z-line. Nevertheless, this epithelial change does not occur exactly in the anatomical transition...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cardia; Gastroesophageal junction; Lower esophageal sphincter; Gastric mucosa; Terminology.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Minor Salivary Glands Morphology in Xerostomia Patients International Journal of Morphology
Liquidato,Bianca Maria; Barros,Mirna Duarte; Filho,Ivo Bussoloti; Pereira,Celina Siqueira Barbosa; Macéa,Maria Inêz Marcondes.
The minor salivary glands are found scattered throughout the oral mucosa, especially in the lips and soft palate mucosa. Several factors can cause xerostomia, whereas the salivary glands histological characteristics are also considered as factors for defining the etiology. Thus, the minor salivary glands biopsy represents an essential tool for attending the required diagnosis criterion in the classification of Sjögren's Syndrome patients, since it does not present risk for the patient. The objective of this study is to determine the histological description of the minor salivary glands obtained from the biopsies of xerostomia patients and to classify the minor salivary gland histological aspect as the Sjögren's Syndrome. Forty laminas of xerostomia...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sjögren's syndrome; Xerostomia; Salivary glands; Saliva; Diagnosis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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