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Effect of feeding heat-treated and unheated colostrum on immunoglobulin G absorption, health and performance of neonatal Holstein dairy calves 2
Rafiei, Mohammad; Ghoorchi, Taghi; Toghdory, Abdolhakim; Moazeni, Mostafa; Khalili, Mohsen.
First colostrum is an important source of nutrients and immune factors which are necessary for calves in the first weeks of life. Despite these benefits, colostrum can also represent one of the earliest potential exposures of dairy calves to infectious agents which these patogens can act directly on growth and cause diseases such as scours or septicemia. With recent increased interest in pasteurized milk feeding systems, producers have been curious to learn if there may also be benefits from feeding pasteurized colostrum. This study was realized to determine the effects of feeding heat-treated colostrum or unheated colostrum on passive transfer of immunity, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration, total plate count, health and performance of neonatal dairy...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Immunoglobulin G; Colostrum; Health; Serum total protein; Weaning..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The effect of feeding inorganic and organic selenium sources on the hematological blood parameters, reproduction and health of dairy cows in the transition period 2
Khalili, Mohsen; Chamani, Mohammad; Amanlou, Hamid; Nikkhah, Ali; Sadeghi, Aliasghar; Dehkordi, Farhad Kamali; Rafiei, Mohammad; Shirani, Vahid.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of four types of diets containing different forms of selenium on the hematological blood parameters, reproduction and health of dairy cattle during the transition period. Twenty-four close-up dry cows with a mean of 259 ± 1days of pregnancy and expected 21 ± 1days prior to parturition were selected. The cows were fed four diets: 1) basal diet without selenium supplementation (C); 2) basal diet plus 0.5ppm selenium in the form of sodium selenite (Se-S) 3) basal diet plus 0.5ppm selenium in the form of selenium yeast (Se-Y); 4) basal diet plus 0.5ppm selenium in the form of selenomethionine (Se-M). Blood samples for measuring hematological blood parameters (including lymphocyte, red blood cells,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Selenium; Hematological blood parameters; Reproduction; Health; Dairy cows..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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