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Climatic Constraints on Growth Rate and Geochemistry (Sr/Ca and U/Ca) of the Coral Siderastrea stellata in the Southwest Equatorial Atlantic (Rocas Atoll, Brazil) ArchiMer
Evangelista, H.; Sifeddine, A.; Correge, T.; Servain, J.; Dassie, E. P.; Logato, R.; Cordeiro, R. C.; Shen, C. -c.; Le Cornec, F.; Nogueira, J.; Segal, B.; Castagna, A.; Turcq, B..
Although relatively rare compared to similar latitudes in the Pacific or Indian Oceans, massive coral colonies are present in the Tropical/Equatorial Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. However, detailed geo-chemical compositions of these corals are still largely unknown. In this work, we present growth rates, Sr/Ca, and U/Ca ratios of the coral colony (Siderastrea stellata) sampled at Rocas Atoll, off the Brazilian coast. These variables are primarily affected by sea surface temperature (SST) at seasonal scale, and by wind stress at interannual scale, these results represent a broad new finding. A lower significance at the interannual time scale between Sr/Ca and U/Ca with respect to SST is attributed to the low SST amplitude closed to Equator. An investigation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coral; Siderastrea stellata; Rocas Atoll; ITCZ; Equatorial Atlantic; Wind stress.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Millennial meridional dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the last termination ArchiMer
Lo, L.; Shen, C. -c.; Wei, K. -y.; Burr, G. S.; Mii, H. -s.; Chen, M. -t.; Lee, S. -y.; Tsai, M. -c..
To develop an in-depth understanding of the natural dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) during the last deglaciation, stacked north-(N-) and south-IPWP (S-IPWP) thermal and hydrological records over the past 23-10.5 ka were built using planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry data from a new core, MD05-2925 (9.3 degrees S, 151.5 degrees E, water depth 1661 m) in the Solomon Sea and eleven previous sites. Ice-volume-corrected seawater delta O-18 (delta O-18(SW-IVC)) stacks show that S-IPWP delta O-18(SW-IVC) values are indistinguishable from their northern counterparts through glacial time. The N-IPWP SST (sea surface temperature) stacked record features an increasing trend of 0.5 degrees C ka(-1) since 18 ka. Its S-IPWP counterpart shows an earlier...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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