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Acoustical estimation of the Antarctic krill swarms spatial distribution and biomass 13
Tokarev, Yu. N.; Vasilenko, V. I.; Zhuk, V. F.; Sokolov, V. G.; Slipetsky, D. Ya..
The method of acoustic express-evaluation of the krill (Euphausia superba Dana) population spatial structure and determination of its accumulations biomass, with 80 kHz echosounding frequencies has been worked out during the 7-th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition. The method error does not exceed 10 %, which permits to recommend it for usage under the Antarctic krill fishery conditions. The principal possibility to acoustically express-evaluate chorological structure of the Antarctic krill population has been shown. Formation by krill of dense accumulations of different form, elongated for 6 miles, appeared to be an expressed feature of krill behaviour during observations. The school type in krill distribution was observed as well. Parallel to this the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Acoustic; Antarctic krill; Abundance; Biomass; Акустика; Антарктический криль; Распределение; Биомасса Acoustic data Abundance Biomass Krill fisheries Biomass
Ano: 2005 URL:
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