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IgE cross-reactivity between Lolium multiflorum and commercial grass pollen allergen extracts in Brazilian patients with pollinosis 56
Bernardes,C.T.; Moreira,P.F.; Sopelete,M.C.; Vieira,F.A.; Sung,S.S.; Silva,D.A.; Taketomi,E.A..
Lolium multiflorum (Lm) grass pollen is the major cause of pollinosis in Southern Brazil. The objectives of this study were to investigate immunodominant components of Lm pollen allergens and the cross-reactivity of IgE with commercial grass pollen allergen extracts. Thirty-eight serum samples from patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR), 35 serum samples from patients with perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) and 30 serum samples from non-atopic subjects were analyzed. Allergen sensitization was evaluated using skin prick test and serum IgE levels against Lm pollen extract were determined by ELISA. Inhibition ELISA and immunoblot were used to evaluate the cross-reactivity of IgE between allergens from Lm and commercial grass pollen extracts, including...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pollinosis; Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis; Grass pollen allergen; Lolium multiflorum; Cross-reactivity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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