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Farmer Willingness to Pay for Seed-Related Information: Rice Varieties in Nigeria and Benin AgEcon
Horna, J. Daniela; Smale, Melinda; von Oppen, Matthias.
A typical private good is defined by its excludability and rivalry characteristics. Information embodied in a technology might not generate rivalry among its users. By contrast, excludability is certainly a characteristic of this kind of information and its delivery can generate incentives for private participation. This study examines farmers’ preferences for seed of new rice varieties and their willingness to pay for seed-related information in villages of Nigeria and Benin. Conjoint analysis is used to estimate the structure of farmers’ preferences for rice seed given a set of alternatives. Farmers are considered to be consumers of seed as a production input, preferring one variety over another based on the utility they obtain from its attributes, which...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Seed-related information; Conjoint analysis; Rice attributes; Farmers’ preferences; Technology; Seed markets; Willingness to pay (WTP); Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Hedonic price analysis to guide breeding for upgrading an orphan crop in India and Nepal AgEcon
Buergelt, Doreen; von Oppen, Matthias; Yadavendra, Jagdish Prasad.
Crop breeding has contributed much towards assuring the supply of high quality food for a rapidly growing world population. Crop breeding has, however, been focused on only a relatively small number of species and many more have been neglected. In this paper we report on our contributions to a multidisciplinary research project that aims at improving ricebean (Vigna umbellata) – an orphan pulse crop in India and Nepal – and at introducing improved ricebean into local and regional markets. The Ricebean has always been a traditional pulse in India and Nepal. Areas where the ricebean is grown today are characterized as remote regarding the access to markets and prevalence of subsistence households. Consumer preferences where captured by collecting ricebean...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Hedonic price analysis; Pulses; Orphan crops; Demand and Price Analysis; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Horna, J. Daniela; Smale, Melinda; von Oppen, Matthias.
A typical private good is defined by its excludability and rivalry characteristics. Information might not generate rivalry among its users. By contrast, excludability is certainly a characteristic of information and its delivery can generate incentives for private participation. This study examines farmers'’ preferences for seed of new rice varieties and their willingness to pay for related information in villages of Nigeria and Benin. Conjoint analysis is used to estimate the structure of farmers'’ preferences for rice seed given a set of alternatives. Farmers are considered to be maximizers of utility rather than profit, preferring one variety over another based on the utility they obtain from its attributes, which depends on their own social and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: WTP for information; Conjoint analysis; Rice attributes; Farmers'’ preferences; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; O3; O33; C35.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Supporting Agricultural Extension: Could Farmers Contribute? AgEcon
Horna, J. Daniela; von Oppen, Matthias.
Is extension an effective tool for increasing social welfare? The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of farmer financial participation in extension as an alternative to increase its efficiency. While extension costs have been high, the impact at farmers' welfare has not yielded the expected results. Rice production in Nigeria and Benin is used as a study case. Rice is an important food crop and cash crops and both countries have conditions to produce it locally. Two concepts are used to evaluate private participation: farmers' capability to pay (CTP) and requirement to pay (RTP) for extension. Farmers' capability to pay is evaluated from the expected increase benefit due to extension work. Requirement to pay is deducted from extension...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; Q16; O3.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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