Four steers in individual paddocks with Marandu grass (B. Brizantha) in 4x4 square design were used to evaluate sunflower crushed supplementation in pasture-grazing animals on nitrogen balance and microbial protein synthesis. Supplements at 6 g kg-1 body weight comprised corn, soybean meal, and mineral and soybean meal substituted at proportions 0, 20, 40 and 60%. Diet contained averages 6.79, 6.96, 7.10 and 6.87% nitrogen respectively for substitution levels 0, 20, 40 and 60%. The inclusion of sunflower crushed (SC) increased nitrogen intake and fecal excretion of nitrogen while providing a positive balance. Animals’ plasma urea concentration supplemented with SC was 28.13% lower than that of supplemented animals without SC. SC inclusion did not change... |