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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 34. A preliminary review of the Aegithinidae Naturalis
Wells, D.R.; Dickinson, E.C.; Dekker, R.W.R.J..
Hypotheses of iora phylogeny are reviewed up to date, and the history of the generic name investigated. Interactions between A. nigrolutea and A. tiphia are examined and reasons presented for treating them as separate species. The allowability of a widely disjunct distribution in subspecies A. tiphia deignani Hall, 1957 is queried, and its range narrowed substantially, forcing a re-designation of Indian populations. Additional, small systematic and distributional issues bearing on other Aegithina species are noticed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Ioras; Aegithinidae; Species-limits; Intergrades; Subspecies; Nomenclature; Convergence; Eclipse plumage; 42.83.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 35. Types of the Aegithinidae Naturalis
Dickinson, E.C.; Dekker, R.W.R.J.; Eck, S.; Somadikarta, S.; Voisin, C.; Voisin, J.-F..
A list of about 35 names applied to species of iora (family Aegithinidae) is presented. This list also provides information on the whereabouts of a type. Where our information does not include reliable data we provide notes to explain the deficit and to stimulate others to offer additional data or sources of information.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Aegithinidae; Iora; Types; 42.83.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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