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A farm level assessment of the profitability of Entry Level Scheme participation in the Lincolnshire Wolds 31
Harrison, George R.; Jones, James V.H..
The paper builds on the results of previous studies investigating whether farmers profit by participation in the Entry Level Scheme (ELS). Standard payment levels (derived from points) under ELS are fixed at rates that are expected only to compensate farmers for income foregone and costs incurred. There is no profit element as such. There is therefore no reason to expect participation to be profitable. However farm level examination of the income foregone and costs incurred in previous studies based in other parts of England have shown that this can be achieved. The study is based in the Lincolnshire Wolds, an area dominated by arable farming but with topography and associated natural features that offer some variety in the mix of farming and the measures...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Entry Level Scheme; Agri-environmental payments; Income forgone; Partial budgets; Profitability.; Farm Management; Q58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Policy Risk Through Modulation of Direct Payments: Can Farms Live with a Strategic Disadvantage? 31
Osuch, Amanda; Sahrbacher, Christoph; Kellermann, Konrad; Happe, Kathrin.
This paper explores the impacts of modulation as suggested by the EU Commission (“Preparing for the “Health Check” of the CAP reform”, 2007). The agent-based model AgriPoliS has been adapted to the case study region Ostprignitz-Ruppin (Brandenburg, Germany). Impacts on farm structures, regional production and the distribution of profits throughout farms are investigated, as well as impacts of the transfer of money coming from modulation to a second pillar measure widely spread in the case study region. The relative gains or losses of farms depending on their modulation groups are documented and potential expectations on such policies discussed.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Modulation; CAP; Decoupling; Agri-environmental payments.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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