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Davis, Carlton George; Langham, Max R..
Agricultural industrialization and sustainable development issues are important contemporary areas of debate. This paper argues that the two processes are a consequence of a set of forces operating in our global system. It outlines a number of conceptual interactions between the two phenomena and examines economic development and sustainable development policy implications that appear to be logical extensions of the arguments presented.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural industrialization; Sustainable agricultural development; Development assistance; Human capital; Market and policy failures; Public policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Contract and Exit Decisions in Finisher Hog Production 31
Dong, Fengxia; Hennessy, David A.; Jensen, Helen H..
Finisher hog production in North America has seen a shift toward larger production units and contract-organized production since circa 1990. Given the efficiency gains and conversion costs associated with contract production, growers may have to choose between long term commitment through investments and atrophy with intent to exit in the intermediate term. A model is developed to show that growers with any of three efficiency attributes (lower innate hazard of exit, variable costs, or fixed contract adoption costs) are not only more likely to contract but will also produce more and expend more on lowering business survival risks. Using the 2004 U.S. Agricultural Resource Management Survey for hogs, a recursive bivariate probit model is estimated in which...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural industrialization; Hog production; Occupation choice; Production contracts; Recursive bivariate probit; Relationship-specific investments; Sector dynamics.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; Production Economics; D23; Q12; J26; J43..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Contract and Exit Decisions in Finisher Hog Production 31
Dong, Fengxia; Hennessy, David A.; Jensen, Helen H..
Finisher hog production in North America has seen a shift toward larger production units and contract-organized production since around 1990. Given the efficiency gains and conversion costs associated with contract production, growers may have to choose between long-term commitment through investments and atrophy with intent to exit in the intermediate term. A model is developed to show that growers with any of three efficiency attributes (lower innate hazard of exit, variable costs, or fixed contract adoption costs) are not only more likely to contract but will also produce more and expend more on lowering business survival risks. Using the 2004 U.S. Agricultural Resource Management Survey for hogs, a recursive bivariate probit model is estimated in which...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural industrialization; Hog production; Occupation choice; Production contracts; Recursive bivariate probit; Relationship-specific investments; Sector dynamics..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Development of Agricultural Industrialization under the Background of Socialist New Countryside Construction 31
Zheng, Zewen; Zhang, Chenghua.
Relationship between socialist new countryside construction and agricultural industrialization development in China is analyzed. On the one hand, socialist new countryside construction is the era background of agricultural industrialization development, offering a strong support for the development of agricultural industrialization. On the other hand, agricultural industrialization management is an important content of new countryside construction, offering basic economic guarantee for the construction of new countryside. It is proposed that under the new period of time, the overall development of socialist new countryside construction and the agricultural industrialization development should be promoted in accordance with the requirements of the...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: New countryside construction; Scientific concept of development; Agricultural industrialization; China; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Differentiation of the Rural Households Based on the Perspective of Agricultural Industrialization Behavior - A Case Study of 102 Households in Yanling County, Henan Province, China 31
Dong, Guan-peng; Guo, Teng-yun; Teng, Fei.
Based on the analysis of fieldwork data collected by us from 102 households in the villages of Yaojia, Jizhuang and Wuzi, we analyze the phenomenon of differentiation behaviors of households who own different kinds of resources under the background of agricultural industrialization. The focus of this paper is to probe into characteristics of the physical contact space, information contract space between different rural households such as farmers, brokers and entrepreneurs. Then, we focus on the driving forces behind the household differentiation process. Several conclusions can be drawn from this analysis. Firstly, the geographical domain increases as the households evolutes from farmers to entrepreneurs, and the farmers’ physical contract space is larger...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Differentiation of rural households; Agricultural industrialization; Flower industry; Yanling County; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Economies of Feedlot Scale, Biosecurity, Investment, and Endemic Livestock Disease 31
Hennessy, David A..
Infectious livestock disease creates externalities for proximate animal production enterprises. The distribution of production scale within a region should influence and be influenced by these disease externalities. Taking the distribution of the unit costs of stocking an animal as primitive, we show that an increase in the variance of these unit costs reduces consumer surplus. The effect on producer surplus, total surplus, and animal concentration across feedlots depends on the demand elasticity. A subsidy to smaller herds can reduce social welfare and immiserize the farm sector by increasing the extent of disease. While Nash behavior involves excessive stocking, disease effects can be such that aggregate output declines relative to first-best. Disease...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural industrialization; Biosecurity; Inefficiency; Nash behavior; Overinvestment; Technology adoption; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Evaluation on the Sustainable Development of Agricultural Industrialization Based on DPSIR Model - A Case of North Bay Economic Zone in Guangxi Province 31
Wang, Qiang; Huang, Hu.
According to the connotation of agricultural industrialization, the DPSIR model based on agricultural industrialization is introduced from the five aspects of driving fore, pressure, state, impact and response. Taking the North Bay Economic Zone of Guangxi Province as an example, a total of 23 indices are selected to construct the evaluation index system of sustainable development for agricultural industrialization by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. And the sustainable development level is comprehensively evaluated by weighted method. The result shows that driving force factor is still in a worse state. Industry, house sites and unreasonable agricultural productive ways have caused obvious pressure on agricultural industrialization. The scores of...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Agricultural industrialization; DPSIR; Sustainable development; North Bay Economic Zone of Guangxi Province; China; Industrial Organization; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Hobbs, Jill E.; Young, Linda M..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural industrialization; Vertical linkages; Vertical coordination; Supply chain management; Agribusiness; Q1.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Interpretation of the Construction of Socialist New Countryside 31
Wu, Xiao-jun; Jin, Fu-hua.
Several old problems in the new countryside construction at present are analyzed. For instance the land transfer mechanism is not flexible, land problems have restricted the development of agricultural industrialization; farmers still have serious problems in income increase and lack the rational investment and consumption awareness; farmers receive low level of education and their cultural qualities are general poor; for a long time, legalization and democratization process of rural grass-roots organizations has been lagged behind. Causations for problems in the new countryside construction are various, such as lacking the subject consciousness, a long-term mechanism, industrial support and capital input. Finally, several new ideas about the construction...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: New countryside construction; Agricultural industrialization; Subject consciousness; Long-term mechanism; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Obstacles to Development of Marketing Channels of Agricultural Products in China and Countermeasures 31
Han, Chun-mei.
This paper introduces the connotation of marketing channels of agricultural products, and gives an overall of current modes of marketing channels of agricultural products in China, including the marketing channel of transportation and sale of agricultural products, the marketing channel of intermediary sales agent, and the marketing channel of mutual cooperation. The problems existing in the marketing channel of agricultural products in China as follows, first, the cost is high; second, the technological content is low; third, the upstream main body lacks competitiveness; fourth, the structure of investment is irrational. Corresponding countermeasures are put forward to develop marketing channels of agricultural products as follows: perfect the service...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural products; Marketing channel; Innovation of channel; Agricultural industrialization; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Research on the Impact of Land Transfer on County Agricultural Industrialized Development —A Case Study of Dali County, Shaanxi Province 31
Yao, Tao.
On the strength of the status quo of Chinese land transfer, the changes of the county agricultural production factor market arising from land transfer from four aspects covering land market, agricultural capital market, agricultural labor market and agricultural science and technology. The impacts of land transfer on county agricultural industrialized development are analyzed: in the first place, the large amount of land required by the county agricultural scale production can be effective supplied; in the second place, a large number of labors required by the county agricultural industrialized production can be effectively fulfilled; in the third place, the innovation of science and technology provide motivation for adjusting the county agricultural...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Land transfer; County agriculture; Agricultural industrialization; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Research on the Policy Orientation of Government in Agricultural Industrialization Development 31
Hang, Hong-qiu.
Governmental functions in agricultural industrialization management are analyzed, mainly including supplying public products, providing property right security, managing and protecting resources and environment as well as stabilizing the agro-product market. The policy orientation promoted by the government in agricultural industrialization management is pointed out: formulating a series of macro-management planning to guide and regulate agricultural industrialization operation; fully playing the comprehensive coordinating role of “economic manager”; making and carrying out relevant laws and regulations to normalize the implementation of agricultural industrialization management. To implement the industrial management of agriculture and promote the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Government; Agricultural industrialization; Policy orientation; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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