Registros recuperados: 11 | |
Martens, E.E.. |
The ultrastructure of male copulatory organs having a stylet has been studied in some genera of the Proseriata. Within the Monocelididae there was a variety of stylet-like hard structures. The stylet in <i>Monocelis fusca</i> was a differentiation of the basement membrane of the epithelium lining a penis-like muscular papilla. The penis papilla in <i>Ectocotyla</i>consisted of circular muscles surrounded by a thickened basement membrane and an epithelium. <i>Archilopsis sp.</i> and <i>Archilina sp.</i> with a duplex copulatory bulb, had a stylet within a spiny cirrus. The stylet structure in <i>Archilina sp.</i> was composed of four long spines which were derivatives of the basement membrane.... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Animal reproductive organs; Ultrastructure; Proseriata; Turbellaria [Flatworms]. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://www.vliz.be/nl/open-marien-archief?module=ref&refid=3247 |
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Sarano, F. |
The present work analyses and describes Merluccius merluccius ovarian cycle in the Bay of Biscay as an example of partial spawner. Three methods were employed: a macroscopic examination of about 10,000 ovaries -- a cytologic and histologic study -- an investigation of the size structure of the oocytes population of 63 ovaries. The author developed an original mathematical method for serial spawning demonstration. He demonstrates that hake is a partial spawner: a female usually rapidly spawns 4 or 5 times without ovaries rest. On this basis, he gives a new reference scale of the maturity stages of the ovarian cycle: after developing (II), ripe (III), running (IV), the partly spent ovary is named (II+); the repetitive sequence III-IV-II + characterize serial... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pisces; Animal reproductive organs; Spawning; Ovaries; Sexual reproduction. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1984/publication-1790.pdf |
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Nelis, H.J.C.F.; Lavens, P.; Moens, L.; Sorgeloos, P.; Jonckheere, J.A.; Criel, G.R.J.; De Leenheer, A.P.. |
The significance of carotenoid accumulation in crustacean eggs remains obscure, particularly because neither eggs nor female animals have been found to display specific pigment patterns in relation to reproduction. We report here the first example of carotenoids found exclusively in the ovaries, the eggs, and the hemolymph, but not in the carcass of a female, reproductively active crustacean, i.e. the brine shrimp <i>Artemia</i> . These pigments are virtually absent in males and in immature animals and disappear very rapidly in growing nauplii following hatching of encysted embryos. Within the cysts, they are preferably localized in the yolk platelets. We have identified them as mono-<i>cis</i>-canthaxanthins on the basis of their... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Animal reproductive organs; Brine shrimp eggs; Carotenoids; Artemia. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://www.vliz.be/nl/open-marien-archief?module=ref&refid=3269 |
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Roberts Jr, D. |
Circannual, diel, and lunal periodic mechanisms in naturally reproducing stocks of tropical and subtropical fishes are reviewed. Manipulations of biological clocks, used to control reproduction in captive broodstocks, are detailed. Experiments to induce controlled maturation and spawning in fishes either test efficacy of changing environmental conditions (regimes), or constant environmental conditions (controlled). Data have been generated in experimental/scientific studies, as well as applied research. Effects of controlled environmental regimes on serum steroids, gametogenesis, spawning, fry performance and egg quality are summarized for selected members of Centropomidae, Serranidae, and Sciaenidae. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sciaenidae; Serranidae; Centropomidae; Fish culture; Controlled conditions; Sexual maturity; Photoperiods; Fish eggs; Gametogenesis; Steroids; Animal reproductive organs; Brood stocks; Marine fish; Spawning; Sexual reproduction. |
Ano: 1989 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1989/acte-1437.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 11 | |