Registros recuperados: 65 | |
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Agrawala, Shardul; Carraro, Maelis. |
Much of the current policy debate on adaptation to climate change has focussed on estimation of adaptation costs, ways to raise and to scale-up funding for adaptation, and the design of the international institutional architecture for adaptation financing. There is however little or no emphasis so far on actual delivery mechanisms to channel these resources at the sub-national level, particularly to target the poor who are also often the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It is in this context that microfinance merits a closer look. This paper offers the first empirical assessment of the linkages between microfinance supported activities and adaptation to climate change. Specifically, the lending portfolios of the 22 leading microfinance... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Microfinance; Climate Change; Financing; Adaptation; Bangladesh; Nepal; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q56; Q54; R51. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/92709 |
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Skoufias, Emmanuel; Quisumbing, Agnes R.. |
This paper synthesizes the results of five studies using household panel data from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali, Mexico and Russia, which examine the extent to which households are able through formal and/or informal arrangements to insure their consumption from specific economic shocks and fluctuations in their real income. Building on the recent literature of consumption smoothing and risk sharing, the degree of consumption insurance is defined by the degree to which the growth rate of household consumption covaries with the growth rate of household income. All the cases studies show that food consumption is better insured than nonfood consumption from idiosyncratic shocks. Adjustments in nonfood consumption appear to act as a mechanism for partially... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Bangladesh; Consumption; Ethiopia; Income; Mali; Mexico; Poverty; Risk-sharing; Russia; Vulnerability; Food Security and Poverty. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/16424 |
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Reaz, Mazrur; Arun, Thankom G.. |
This paper highlights the corporate governance of financial institutions with particular reference to banking sector of Bangladesh. The importance of corporate governance of banks remains crucial given their contribution in economic growth through financial development. This paper has shed light on the structures of corporate governance of banks in Bangladesh involving their ownership structure, board issues, executive aspects, disclosure, and audit practices along with their associated weaknesses. The paper has also showed how political interference and failure by the regulators has contributed to the governance problems in the banks. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Bangladesh; Banking; Financial Economics; International Development. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/30545 |
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Hossain, Mahabub. |
There is a growing recognition that institutional credit plays an important role in the modernization of agriculture through technological change. It is clear that as those processes of modernization occur, incomes rise and expenditures on locally produced goods and services expand in such a manner as to increase the demand for labor and labor-intensive entrepreneurial activities. The question then arises as to what extent institutional credit can be offered to very poor people to facilitate their taking direct advantage of the developing entrepreneurial activities. Perhaps the most widely admired effort to answer this question is that of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. One of the commendable features of the Grameen Bank is its desire to have its... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Grameen Bank; Rural poor; Bangladesh; Small business; Financial Economics; Food Security and Poverty. |
Ano: 1988 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/42590 |
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Bouis, Howarth E.; Scott, Gregory. |
Secondary crops are of increasing interest to policymakers and planners in developing countries because of a desire to diversify economic activities and because of their proven potential to raise farm incomes and rural employment. To assess this potential, basic information on the demand characteristics for these crops is required. But, given the large number of possible crops to be studied, policy analysts require an estimation procedure that is less data-intensive and time-intensive than standard econometric estimation procedures. In this paper, a relatively new, low-cost procedure, based on demand for food characteristics, is applied, illustrating its usefulness for analysis of demand for potatoes in Bangladesh and Pakistan. In Asia, the potato should... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Economics; Methodology; Pakistan; Potatoes; Economic aspects; Crop diversification; Price Maintenance; Asia; Bangladesh; Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/97300 |
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Zeller, Manfred; Houssou, Nazaire; Alcaraz V., Gabriela; Schwarze, Stefan; Johannsen, Julia. |
Developing accurate, yet operational poverty assessment tools to target the poorest households remains a challenge for applied policy research. This paper aims to develop poverty assessment tools for four countries: Bangladesh, Peru, Uganda, and Kazakhstan. The research applies the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to seek the best set of variables that predict the household poverty status using easily measurable socio-economic indicators. Out of sample validations tests are performed to assess the prediction power of a tool. Finally, the PCA results are compared with those obtained from regressions models. In-sample estimation results suggest that the Quantile regression technique is the first best method in all four countries, except Kazakhstan. The PCA... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Poverty assessment; Targeting; Principal component analysis; Bangladesh; Peru; Kazakhstan; Uganda; Food Security and Poverty; H5; Q14; I3. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/25396 |
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Hossain, Mohammad; Tisdell, Clement A.. |
Empirical studies on the impact of women’s paid jobs on their empowerment and welfare in the Bangladesh context are rare. The few studies on the issue to date have all been confined to the garment workers only although studies indicate that women’s workforce participation in Bangladesh has increased across-the-board. Besides, none of these studies has made an attempt to control for the non-working women and/or applied any statistical technique to control for the effects of other pertinent determinants of women’s empowerment and welfare such as education, age, religion and place of living. This study overcomes these drawbacks and presents alternative assessments of the link between women’s workforce participation and empowerment on the basis of survey data... |
Tipo: Working Paper |
Palavras-chave: Women; Empowerment; Bangladesh; Welfare; Community/Rural/Urban Development. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/123451 |
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Registros recuperados: 65 | |