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An Empty Donut Hole: the Great Collapse of a North American Fishery Ecology and Society
Bailey, Kevin M.; Alaska Fisheries Science Center;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed article Palavras-chave: Aleutian Basin; Bering Sea; Commercial fisheries; Conservation; North Pacific; Theragra chalcogramma; Walleye pollock.
Ano: 2011
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Foraging ecology during nesting influences body size in a pursuit-diving seabird ArchiMer
Paredes, Rosana; Orben, Rachael A.; Roby, Daniel D.; Irons, David B.; Young, Rebecca; Renner, Heather; Tremblay, Yann; Will, Alexis; Harding, Ann M. A.; Kitaysky, Alexander S..
Causes and consequences of differences in seabird foraging strategies between breeding colonies are not well understood. We tested whether body size of a pursuit-diving seabird, the thick-billed murre Uria lomvia, differs between breeding colonies and, if so, how size differences can be understood in the context of differences in foraging behavior, habitat use, and breeding performance. We measured adult murres over 3 seasons (2008 to 2010) at 2 of the Pribilof Islands, St. Paul and St. George, located on the continental shelf of the Bering Sea at different distances from the shelf break. Body mass and size were positively associated with deep diving and negatively associated with long flights, suggesting morphology influences foraging and commuting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Body size; Foraging; Diving; Marine habitats; Stress levels; Bering Sea; Murres; Seabirds.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Glacial-to-Holocene evolution of sea surface temperature and surface circulation in the subarctic northwest Pacific and the Western Bering Sea ArchiMer
Meyer, Vera D.; Max, Lars; Hefter, Jens; Tiedemann, Ralf; Mollenhauer, Gesine.
It has been proposed that North Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) evolution was intimately linked to North Atlantic climate oscillations during the last glacial-interglacial transition. However, during the early deglaciation and the Last Glacial Maximum, the SST development in the subarctic northwest Pacific and the Bering Sea is poorly constrained as most existing deglacial SST records are based on alkenone paleothermometry, which is limited prior to 15ka B.P. in the subarctic North Pacific realm. By applying the TEX86L temperature proxy we obtain glacial-Holocene-SST records for the marginal northwest Pacific and the Western Bering Sea. Our TEX86L-based records and existing alkenone data suggest that during the past 15.5ka, SSTs in the northwest...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: TEX86L; Surface circulation; Northwest Pacific; Bering Sea; Deglaciation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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New records of deep-water shrimps of the genus Pandalopsis with a description of P. zarenkovi spec. nov. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pandalidae) from the Bering Sea Naturalis
Ivanov, B.G.; Sokolov, V.I..
A collection of pandalid shrimps was obtained from trawl catch in the western Bering Sea at a depth of 362 m off the Navarin Cape in June 1999. There were two species of Pandalopsis in the collection, P. dispar and a new species, P. zarenkovi spec. nov., which is described herein. The diagnostic characters of the new species are discussed in relation to related congeners. The side-stripe shrimp, P. dispar, has been recorded for the first time in the Russian waters. This species is fished commercially as a bycatch of Pandalus borealis.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Decapoda; Caridea; Pandalidae; Pandalopsis; New species; Bering Sea; 42.74.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Strong connections, loose coupling: the influence of the Bering Sea ecosystem on commercial fisheries and subsistence harvests in Alaska Ecology and Society
Haynie, Alan C; Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration;; Huntington, Henry P; Eagle River, Alaska;
Human-environment connections are the subject of much study, and the details of those connections are crucial factors in effective environmental management. In a large, interdisciplinary study of the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem involving disciplines from physical oceanography to anthropology, one of the research teams examined commercial fisheries and another looked at subsistence harvests by Alaska Natives. Commercial fisheries and subsistence harvests are extensive, demonstrating strong connections between the ecosystem and the humans who use it. At the same time, however, both research teams concluded that the influence of ecosystem conditions on the outcomes of human activities was weaker than anticipated. Likely explanations of this apparently loose...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Bering Sea; Commercial fisheries; Ecosystem studies; Human-environment connections; Subsistence.
Ano: 2016
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Surface nitrate utilization in the Bering sea since 180 kA BP: Insight from sedimentary nitrogen isotopes ArchiMer
Riethdorf, Jan-rainer; Thibodeau, Benoit; Ikehara, Minoru; Nuernberg, Dirk; Max, Lars; Tiedemann, Ralf; Yokoyama, Yusuke.
We present high-resolution records of sedimentary nitrogen (delta N-15(bulk)) and carbon isotope ratios (delta C-13(bulk)) from piston core S0201-2-85KL located in the western Bering Sea. The records reflect changes in surface nitrate utilization and terrestrial organic matter contribution in submillennial resolution that span the last 180 kyr. The delta N-15(bulk) record is characterized by a minimum during the penultimate interglacial indicating low nitrate utilization (similar to 62-80%) despite the relatively high export production inferred from opal concentrations along with a significant reduction in the terrestrial organic matter fraction (m(terr)). This suggests that the consumption of the nitrate pool at our site was incomplete and even more...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bering Sea; Quaternary; Nitrogen isotopes; Nitrate utilization.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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