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Distributional Welfare Impacts of Public Spending: The Case of Urban versus National Parks AgEcon
Feinerman, Eli; Fleischer, Aliza; Simhon, Avi.
This study examines the optimal allocation of funds between national and urban parks. Since travel costs to national parks are significantly higher than to urban parks, poor households tend to visit the latter more frequently, whereas rich households favor the former. Therefore, allocating public funds to improving the quality of national parks at the expense of urban parks disproportionately benefits high income households. By developing a theoretical model and implementing it using Israeli data, findings indicate all households, except for the richest decile, prefer that the park authority divert a larger proportion of its budget from national to urban parks.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Budget allocation; Income distribution; National parks; Urban parks; Public Economics.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Financing Agri-Environmental Programs in Poland: The Importance of Regional Preferences AgEcon
Ziolkowska, Jadwiga; Kirschke, Dieter.
The main objective of the paper is to study the importance of regional preferences in financing agri-environmental programs. The analysis is based on results of a case study conducted in South-eastern Poland. As environmental protection in agriculture is complex and often considered in political strategies, it is worth analyzing the differences in perception of the respective environmental objectives from a regional perspective. Taking into account natural conditions and the economic situation in agriculture in the voivodship Podkarpackie, the question is, how regional objectives could be achieved effectively with a given budget. Using linear programming, we discuss in this paper, how regional preferences would guide budget allocation.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agri-environmental programs; Environmental objectives; Linear programming; Budget allocation; Poland; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q14; Q57; C6.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Multiregional Invasive Species Management: Theory and an Application to Florida's Exotic Plants AgEcon
Kim, C.S.; Lee, Donna J.; Schaible, Glenn D.; Vasavada, Utpal.
This research develops a multiregional optimal control model that incorporates regional allocation of a public budget for controlling invasive plants when regionally differential recreation demand functions and species control costs are present. Our equimarginal condition for optimal budget allocation equates the relative marginal economic benefits per dollar spent across regions. The model was applied to Florida Public Conservation Land regions, and results indicate that the magnitude of an annual management budget affects its distribution among species management regions, but the size of the intrinsic growth rate does not affect the pattern of budget allocation among regions.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Budget allocation; Equimarginal condition; Florida invasive species; Invasive plants; Optimal control; B41; C02; Q51; Q57.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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