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116 años de la Revista Chilena de Historia Natural: Breve relato de dos antes y un después RChHN
El año 2013 marcará el cierre de una etapa importante para la Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (RCHN), ya que a partir de 2014 comenzará a publicarse a través de la plataforma SpringerOpen, incluyendo algunos cambios relevantes en su diseño, manejo editorial, e idioma, entre otros. Por lo tanto en este artículo sintetizo algunos aspectos clave en la evolución de RCHN desde su fundación a fines del siglo 19, a través de dos períodos históricos: (a) 1897-1963, donde destaca la figura de su creador Carlos E. Porter y el rol de la Sociedad Chilena de Historia Natural, y (b) 1983-2013, su etapa reciente ligada a la Sociedad de Biología de Chile. Adicionalmente presento un breve análisis de la situación y el impacto de RCHN en su etapa moderna, incluyendo...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chile; Historia natural; Impacto.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A hybrid zone of two toad sister species, Rhinella atacamensis and R. arunco (Anura: Bufonidae), defined by a consistent altitudinal segregation in watersheds RChHN
Delimiting the spatial extension of a hybrid zone is essential to understand its historical origin and to identify the geographical and/or environmental factors which delimit it. Rhinella atacamensis and R. arunco are two sister species which together inhabit Chile between 25° and 38° S. Their distribution limits coincide at about 32° S, where recently it was reported that they hybridize in a small watershed (Pupío creek). Although the genetic evidence suggests that these two species form a hybrid swarm, they are not mixed homogeneously in the entire watershed, but rather are spatially segregated: R. arunco is found in the lower part of the creek and R. atacamensis in the higher part. An extensive exploration north and south of 32° S revealed other...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: AFLP markers; Chile; Control region; Hybridization; Toads.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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A new genus of the family Pontocyprididae (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with the description of two new species OMA
Wouters, K..
A new pontocypridid genus, <i>Peripontocypris</i> gen. nov. and two new species are described from the Maldive Islands, Papua New Guinea and from Easter Island. The new genus has a remarkable set of characters, which are unknown in other members of the family: six adductor muscle scars, a Y-shaped Zenker's organ and a large furca. Some other characters of the valves and the soft parts are reminiscent of different pontocypridid genera, and suggest a mosaic type of evolution. The affinities of <i>Peripontocypris</i> with other genera, and its taxonomic position are discussed.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal morphology Marine crustaceans New genera New species Ostracoda Peripontocypris Pontocyprididae ISE; Chile; Easter I. ISEW; Papua New Guinea ISW; Maldive I..
Ano: 1997 URL:
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A new species of Apsil Malloch from Chile (Diptera, Muscidae) Zoologia
Couri,Márcia Souto.
Apsil diminuta sp. n. is described from Chile. Male terminalia is illustrated.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diptera; Muscidae; Apsil; Taxonomy; New species; Chile.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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A new species of Sphenotrochus (Scleractinia: Turbinoliidae) from the Late Miocene (Tortonian) of Chile Naturalis
Cairns, S.D..
A new species of azooxanthellate Scleractinia, Sphenotrochus denhartogi, is described from the Late Miocene (Tortonian, Navidad Formation) of Chile. Comparisons are made to three other closely related species which, based on their distinctive costal morphology, form a species complex: S. claibornensis, S. senni, S. denhartogi, and S. auritus. This is the first record of Sphenotrochus from the west coast of South America.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Turbinoliidae; Miocene; Tortonian; Navidad Formation; Sphenotrochus denhartogi spec. nov.; Chile; 42.79.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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A new species of Uncinia (Cyperaceae) from the New World and the first report of U. Chilensis from Argentina Darwiniana
Wheeler,Gerald A..
A new species of Uncinia (Cyperaceae), U. austroamericana, is described and illustrated from austral South America and from the Tristan da Cunha archipelago in the south-Atlantic Ocean. This species grows in persistently wet, base-poor sites, particularly in Sphagnum bogs, and is known from southern Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and from the largest island of the Tristan da Cunha group. It differs both morphologically and ecologically from the similar-appearing U. macrolepis, a minerotrophic species best known from moist depressions in grasslands. The new species differs morphologically from U. macrolepis by possessing achenes that, when mature, are pale-colored and conspicuously-thickened at the apex and, also, by having more or less loosely-flowered...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Argentina; Chile; Tristan da Cunha; Cyperaceae; Uncinia.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A review of the monotypic genus Chilelimnophila Alexander (Diptera: Tipulomorpha: Limoniidae) Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Ribeiro,Guilherme Cunha.
The Chilean species Chilelimnophila lyra (Alexander, 1952), the only included species in the genus Chilelimnophila Alexander, 1968, is redescribed on the basis of new available material from adjacencies of the type locality and other areas. Misinterpretations from the original description are corrected. Adult anatomical structures are described and illustrated in detail, including information on the previously unknown female. Better grounds for the recognition of the taxon are provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chilelimnophila lyra; Crane flies; Taxonomy; Chile; Neotropical Region.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A Scientometric view of some Biological disciplines in Chile Biol. Res.
During the last decade the articles published by Chilean Research Centers grew 1,73 which compares to the 2.34 fold increase of mainstream research articles registered as a whole in Latin America. However, the relative impact of the Chilean publications surpassed that of Latin America. In Biological Sciences, traditionally the strongest research area within Chile, Latin America also shows a steeper slope of growth. Qualitatively, biological disciplines in Chile are comparable to those published in Latin America although in Chile there are specialties as Physiology that surpass the average world's impact. The scientometric data is consistent with the fall in individual grants that the Chilean Research Fund (FONDECYT) has been allocating during the last...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Research output; Biological sciences; Chile; Latin America; Scientometric analyses.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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A snapshot of cancer in Chile: analytical frameworks for developing a cancer policy Biol. Res.
la Jara,Jorge Jimenez de; Bastias,Gabriel; Ferreccio,Catterina; Moscoso,Cristian; Sagues,Sofia; Cid,Camilo; Bronstein,Eduardo; Herrera,Cristian; Nervi,Bruno; Corvalan,Alejandro; Velasquez,Ethel V; Gonzalez,Pamela; Castellon,Enrique; Bustamante,Eva; Oñate,Sergio; McNerney,Eileen; Sullivan,Richard; Owen,Gareth I.
INTRODUCTION: The South American country Chile now boasts a life expectancy of over 80 years. As a consequence, Chile now faces the increasing social and economic burden of cancer and must implement political policy to deliver equitable cancer care. Hindering the development of a national cancer policy is the lack of comprehensive analysis of cancer infrastructure and economic impact. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate existing cancer policy, the extent of national investigation and the socio-economic impact of cancer to deliver guidelines for the framing of an equitable national cancer policy. METHODS: Burden, research and care-policy systems were assessed by triangulating objective system metrics -epidemiological, economic, etc. - with political and policy analysis....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chile; Cancer policy; Investigation; Research and development; Statistics; Gallbladder cancer; Stomach cancer; Developing country.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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A taxonomic review of the Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera) from Argentina and Chile Naturalis
Gielis, C..
The known species of Pterophoridae occurring in Argentina and Chile are reviewed. Nearly all the available type specimens of species occurring in the area have been examined and five new synonyms have been established. Some primary types are considered to be lost. In this paper three new genera and 29 new species are described. The adults of all species, and the male and female genitalia are illustrated. The distribution is mapped.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Pterophoridae; Neotropics; Argentina; Chile; Distribution; Keys.; 42.75.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Abundance, distribution and feeding patterns of a temperate reef fish in subtidal environments of the Chilean coast: the importance of understory algal turf RChHN
Cheilodactylus variegatus is an abundant carnivorous demersal reef fish that lives in the shallow subtidal of the north-central Chilean coast. Characteristically, these environments are dominated by kelp forests of Lessonia trabeculata. This species preys on a great variety of benthic invertebrates, and shows particularly high consumption rates on amphipod crustaceans. In our study, two widely separated populations of C. variegatus were considered (central and northern Chile). Individuals that form part of these populations show considerable differences in their distribution, abundance and trophic behavior. In the northern zone, the species is abundant and both juveniles and adults are distributed along the whole bathymetric gradient. This contrasts with...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cheilodactylidae; Shallow subtidal; Understory macroalgae; Carnivorous fish; Amphipods; Distribution; Abundance; Chile.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Elgueta,Mario; Cerda,Miguel.
RESUMEN Se describe una nueva especie de Macrodontini de Chile: Acalodegma vidali n. sp. Se ubica en el género Acalodegma, decisión que involucra un sentido ampliado a aquel conjunto de caracteres establecidos originalmente para el género. La nueva entidad específica tiene hasta el momento una distribución exclusiva en la Cordillera de los Andes alrededor de los 27&ordm; 36' S y 69&ordm; 20' O, área que corresponde a un ambiente de tipo prepuneño; dada esta distribución es altamente probable que se presente en similares ambientes del noroeste de Argentina. A fin de entender esta repartición en un contexto biogeográfico, se entregan antecedentes biológicos generales y de distribución geográfica para las especies de Prioninae reportadas para Chile
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Prioninae; Macrodontini; Acalodegma; Distribución; Hábitat; Chile; Argentina.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Acrospermum chilense sp. nov. from Chile and the Acrospermales ord. nov. Boletín de la Sociedad
Minter,D.W.; Peredo,H.L.; Watson,Anna T..
Acrospermum chilense sp. nov. on living stems of Chusquea quila from southern Chile is described, illustrated and discussed. The asci and ascospores, more than 1000 µ m long, may be the longest ever found in the ascomycetes. The ordinal position of the family Acrospermaceae is discussed, and the order Acrospermales ord. nov. is erected to accommodate it.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acrospermaceae; Acrospermales; Ascospores; Chusquea; Chile.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Actualización sistemática y distribución geográfica de Mutisioideae (Asteraceae) de Chile Gayana Botánica
Moreira-Muñoz,Andrés; Morales,Vanezza; Muñoz-Schick,Mélica.
Se presenta una actualización sistemática y de distribución geográfica de las especies y categorías infraespecíficas de la subfamilia Mutisioideae (tribus Mutisieae, Nassauvieae y Onoserideae) para Chile. El trabajo fue realizado sobre la base de bibliografía y la revisión de ejemplares principalmente de los herbarios SGO y CONC. Los resultados arrojan la presencia de 28 géneros, 192 especies y otros 22 taxones infraespecíficos en Chile. Siete de estos géneros, 77 especies y 12 taxones infraespecíficos tienen carácter de endémicos para el país. La revisión arroja dos adiciones y dos sustracciones a la flora de Chile. Adicionalmente, 47 de los taxones han sido corregidos en cuanto a su distribución geográfica por región en Chile. Se discute finalmente las...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Asteraceae; Chile; Compositae; Diversidad; Endemismo; Mutisieae; Nassauvieae; Onoserideae.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Additions and update to the knowledge of the genus Hysterographium (Ascomycota, Hysteriaceae) in southern South America Darwiniana
Lorenzo,Laura E; Messuti,María I.
The present contribution is the second part of the taxonomic studies about the genus Hysterographium from South America. During the revision of Spegazzini´s type specimens, three valid species (H. andicola, H. australe and H. praeandinum), two doubtful species (H. cumingii and H. cuyanum), and one synonym of H. mori (H. bonaerense) were confirmed. Hysterographium subfuscum is not a valid species. Lectotypes for H. andicola and H. praeandinum were designated. A key to species of Hysterographium recorded from Argentina, Chile and Paraguay is presented.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Argentina; Chile; Dothideomycetes; Hysterographium; Paraguay.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Moreno,Rodrigo; Ibarra-Vidal,Héctor.
Additions of new species of herpetological fauna to the Herpetological Collection of the Museo del Mar, Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile, are documented. The Collection currently contains 56 herpetological species, 16 of which are Amphibia, and 40 of which are Reptilia, both terrestrial and marine. There is a total of 165 specimens, of which approximately 38% are Chilean species
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Herpetological catalogue; Chilean herpetofauna; Museo del Mar; Universidad Arturo Prat; Iquique; Chile.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Additions to the systematic of the bethylid fauna (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Chile Zoologia
Azevedo,Celso Oliveira.
Bethylopsis carinatus sp.n., and Epyris chilensis sp.n., from Chile are described and illustrated. Taxonomic data on Chilepyris herbsti Evans, Lytopsenella herbsti (Kieffer), Lytopsenella testaceicornis (Kieffer) and Pseudisobrachium erythrocephalum Evans are included. Male of Lytopsenella herbsti is recorded for the first time to genus and species.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hymenoptera; Bethylidae; Chile.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Age of Jack mackerel Trachrus murphyi (Carangidae) using daily growth rings in sagittae otoliths Gayana
Cisterna,Lilian; Arancibia,Hugo.
ABSTRACT Growth of Jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) was estimated using daily growth rings in fish collected in central-south Chile from 2004 to 2011. The von Bertalanffy growth curve at length for both sexes (n=210 individuals) is FLt = 75*[1-e -0.16( t +0.13)] where FLt is fork length (cm) at time t (years).
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Age; Chile; Daily growth rings; Jack mackerel; Sagittae otoliths; Trachurus murphyi.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Mirus, Rolf; Tanerguclu, Hande.
The international involvement of Alberta-based businesses covers trade in goods, trade in services, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), both inward and outward. Increasingly FDI is linked to trade in goods and services. Indeed, the export of services like consulting or construction engineering tends to involve the setting up of supporting facilities abroad (outward FDI), and exports of goods frequently necessitate the provision of maintenance services in their wake, either across the border or through an office abroad. Data on outward FDI by Alberta-based firms are not available, nor are data on exports of services by province of origin. Therefore an analysis of what has been happening to Alberta’s international commercial relations is of necessity...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Alberta; NAFTA; FTA; Free trade agreement; Free trade; Imports; Exports; Mexico; United States; Israel; Chile; Costa Rica; Energy sector; FDI; Investment; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Lara,Gladys; Parada,Esperanza; Peredo,Santiago.
Con el propósito de conocer cualitativamente la alimentación y la conducta alimentaria de la almeja de agua dulce Diplodon chilensis, se analizó mediante estudios de laboratorio y de campo el comportamiento alimentario y el contenido digestivo de especímenes procedentes de sustratos areno-pedregosos y arenosos del Lago Panguipulli y se relacionó con la oferta ambiental existente en el sustrato (fitobentos) y en el agua (fito-plancton). El análisis del contenido digestivo de los especímenes y los resultados experimentales, indican que Diplodon chilensis tiene una alimentación mixta en base a fitoplancton, fitobentos y materia orgánica existente en el plancton y en el bentos
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Almeja de agua dulce; Diplodon chilensis; Alimentación; Conducta alimentaria; Fitobentos; Fitoplancton; Chile; Argentina.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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