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Criações extensivas de cavalos na região do pantanal: mortalidade aguda por cólica. 14
SANTOS, C. E. P. dos; JULIANO, R. S..
Em geral, a síndrome cólica ocorre mais frequentemente em equinos estabulados, alimentados com ração e com pouca oferta de alimento volumoso (fenos ou pastagem verde). Em criações extensivas, a alimentação desses animais é baseada na ingestão de fibras vegetais e quadros de cólica embora ocorram, são incomuns. Entretanto, uma enfermidade que acomete equinos e muares tem chamado atenção pela manifestação de quadros agudos de cólica envolvendo animais a campo, com a ocorrência de casos fatais se não tratados de forma precoce. O quadro clínico caracteriza-se por dilatação gástrica, distensão intestinal e paralização dos movimentos intestinais. É mais comum em equídeos adultos, sendo que os muares são aparentemente menos sensíveis do que os equinos, com a...
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Cavalo; Cólica; Doença Animal; Horses; Animal diseases; Colic.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Establishment of peritoneal liquid electrophoretogram from healthy horses and horses submitted to experimentally induced intestinal obstruction 45
Nogueira,A.F.S.; Di Filippo,P.A.; Anai,L.A.; Vieira,M.C.; Simplício,K.M.M.G.; Santana,A.E..
The initial inflammatory stages of the colic syndrome include changes known as acute phase response. The aim of this study was to contribute with the establishment of reference values concerning the electrophoretogram of peritoneal liquid from healthy horses and horses submitted to experimentally induced intestinal obstruction. Twenty-one horses were allotted in four groups: duodenal obstruction (DG), ileum obstruction (IG), left-dorsal colon obstruction (MG), and control group (CG). Peritoneal liquid was sampled before obtruction (T0), with 3 hours of obstruction (T3) and 6, 30, 102 and 174 hours after desobstructing (T6, T30, T102 and T174, respectively). Total protein levels were determined by the biuret method and protein fractions were obtained by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peritoneal fluid; Equine; Colic; Acute phase proteins.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Intra-abdominal adhesions in horses 195
Palma, Maurício Luiz Mesquita de; Foz Filho, Roberto Pimenta de Pádua.
Objective: To present a literature review on the physiopathology of intra-abdominal adhesions, contributing to the understanding of its occurrence. Data Sources: The information was obtained from CAB, MEDLINE and PUBMED databases, covering a retrospective period of 20 years. Data Synthesis: but a abdominal adhesions are the major cause of recurrent colic and relaparotomy in horses. Its occurrence is underestimated, once documentation is based on some post-mortem examinations and on relaparotomy only. Conclusions: The preventive methods consist of good surgical technique and utilization of resources that are suitable for application in horses and financially worthy.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Laparotomy; Adhesions; Prevention and control; Colic; Horses Laparalomía; Adherencias; Prevención y control; Cólico; Caballos laparotomia; Aderências; Prevenção e controle; Cólica; Cavalos.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Prevalência de hipocalcemia e hipomagnesemia em equinos com distúrbios gastrintestinais 45
Coelho,C.S.; Fonseca,L.A.; Souza,V.R.C.
The prevalence of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia was evaluated in horses with gastrointestinal diseases. For that, 12 animals were examined at the UVV Veterinary Hospital. Age and gender of the animals, as well breed clinical diagnosis, adopted therapy and outcomes were recorded. Serum determinations of total calcium and magnesium were done on the day of admission and during the period of hospitalization. They revealed the presence of low levels of calcium and magnesium. The comparison between survivals and non-survivals on the admission day had shown a significant result only for serum calcium.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calcium; Magnesium; Colic; Horses; Cálcio; Magnésio; Cólica; Cavalos.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Reestablishment of equine intestinal transit. Part II: Treatment 195
Thomassian, Armen.
Reestablishment of the normal intestinal transit in horses with sharp abdominal discomfort has been a major challenge even for the most experienced professionals in equine practice and surgery. Major procedures to control and repair gastrointestinal motility demand periodic observation of physiological parameters, intravenous administration of fluids to control hypoperfusion and electrolyte balance and digestive decompression by nasogastric intubation and cecum puncture. These emergency procedures are adopted whatever the etiopathogeny of the colic. Besides the traditional procedures, the veterinarian can also use acupuncture or even surgical intervention in situations where no responses were obtained by using the conservative therapy or when the case...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Digestive tract; Colic; Intestinal transit; Ileus; Treatment equinos; Aparelho digestório; Cólica; Trânsito intestinal; Íleo; Tratamento.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Rolling technique for treatment of left displacement of the large colon in horses: 11 cases (2004-2009) 45
Canola,P.A.; Lacerda Neto,J.C.; Canola,J.C..
The left displacement of the large colon, a condition that commonly occurs in horses, has two clinical manifestations. Different treatments including medical treatment, rolling the horse under general anesthesia or surgical correction have been recommended. The diagnosis can often be made by rectal examination and confirmed by percutaneous ultrasonography. During the period between 2004 and 2009, 11 horses were treated for left displacement of the large colon by rolling the horses under general anesthesia, using a slightly different technique than the ones previously described. The clinical case selection was based on rectal palpation confirmed with ultrasonogram. Nine animals were successfully treated and two had to be submitted to surgery after three...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rolling; Ultrasonography; Equine; Colic; Acute abdomen.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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